
Gates Foundation Renews Beijing Tsinghua University on Innovativ

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北京(2023 年 6 月 15 日)——比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会今天宣布与北京市政府和清华大学重新合作,支持全球健康药物发现研究所 (GHDDI) 通过拯救生命的疗法改善全球健康状况 结核病和疟疾等传染病对世界上最贫困人口的影响尤为严重。
低收入和中等收入国家 (LMIC) 承担了全球 90% 的传染病负担,但全球药物研发支出中只有 10% 用于对这些人群造成不成比例影响的疾病,这凸显了全球健康不平等的明显情况 . GHDDI 是一家非营利性机构,成立于 2016 年,是北京市政府、清华大学和盖茨基金会之间中国首个创新研究公私合作伙伴关系,旨在解决研究重点方面的这种差异。
未来五年,盖茨基金会将向GHDDI提供5000万美元的资金,北京市政府将与之配套,以增强该研究所的药物发现能力。 清华大学也将继续在建设和共享研究平台、转化研究发现和培养人才等方面支持GHDDI。 盖茨基金会联席主席比尔盖茨今天访问 GHDDI 后宣布了这一承诺,他在那里发表了题为“创新的力量来解决全球挑战”的演讲。
GHDDI 主要专注于开发针对结核病和疟疾等传染病的新药,这些疾病对中低收入国家的妇女、儿童、艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病患者和其他弱势人群有重大影响。
在过去的六年里,该研究所建立了一个最先进的研究中心,并建立了广泛的全球药物发现网络,产生了有前途的临床前和临床资产。 其现有的临床前管道包含 10 多个项目,包括与 Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) 和 Malaria Drug Accelerator (MalDA) 合作开发的临床前抗疟候选药物。 该候选药物在降低耐药性、最小化剂量甚至预防疟疾方面表现出了巨大的潜力。
GHDDI 还与多家国际研究机构合作,发现了一系列与现有抗结核药物具有协同作用的新型化合物,有可能缩短结核病的治疗方案。 虽然仍处于实验室阶段,但这些研究一旦经过临床测试,将为预防和控制疟疾和结核病提供新工具,显着减少疾病传播和负担。
盖茨基金会中国区主任郑志杰表示:“GHDDI 体现了我们基金会致力于促进创新,以发现和转化解决全球健康和发展不平等的变革性解决方案。” “我们很高兴看到它在全球健康药物创新生态系统中不断增长的潜力。 有了这笔新资金,我们希望 GHDDI 将继续推动研发突破,最终为世界各地有需要的人改善药物的可用性和可及性。”
“我们将继续与比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会和清华大学密切合作,为GHDDI努力开发针对公共卫生领域最具挑战性疾病的创新药物提供大力支持,”北京市科学技术委员会负责人表示。 委员会和中关村科技园区管理委员会。 “我们希望 GHDDI 通过全球合作进一步提升其创新能力,并为转化药物研究建立新的模型和途径,从而产生更多具有全球影响力的突破性成果。 最终,我们将通过共同努力,努力提高全世界人民的健康和福祉。”
“新药研发是一个系统过程,需要跨学科协同创新、科研成果转化和产业应用。”清华大学副校长王宏伟说。 清华大学高度重视生命科学、医学和药学的发展。 “六年来,在比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会、北京市政府和清华大学的共同支持下,GHDDI已成为具有卓越研发能力的创新药物发现机构。 开启新的发展篇章,相信在创始方的持续支持下,GHDDI将不断迈上新的台阶,为清华大学相关学科的发展、人才培养和国际合作注入新的动力。 我们相信 GHDDI 将继续推动全球健康改善的积极变化。”
“GHDDI 仍然致力于通过加速药物发现来应对全球健康挑战,”GHDDI 研究所所长、清华大学药学院教授丁盛博士说。 “北京市政府、清华大学和盖茨基金会的大力支持对我们研究所的持续成功至关重要。 除了完成我们发现新药和新知识、培养新人才、倡导全球健康的使命外,我们还努力在这个新阶段实现可持续发展。”
比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会秉承每个生命都具有同等价值的信念,致力于帮助所有人过上健康、富有成效的生活。 在发展中国家,它侧重于改善人们的健康,让他们有机会摆脱饥饿和极端贫困。 在美国,它力求确保所有人——尤其是那些资源最少的人——都能获得在学校和生活中取得成功所需的机会。 该基金会总部位于华盛顿州西雅图市,由首席执行官马克苏兹曼领导,联合主席比尔盖茨和梅琳达弗伦奇盖茨以及董事会领导。
全球健康药物研发中心(GHDDI)由比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会、清华大学和北京市政府于 2016 年通过创新的公私合作伙伴关系(PPP)共同创立。 它是一个独立的非营利性研究机构,在中国尚属首创。 GHDDI 致力于通过加速开发新药和创新技术来改善全球健康和拯救生命。
GHDDI 专注于从实验室到床边的转化研究。 其研究领域包括抗病毒药物、结核病和疟疾等。

Gates Foundation Renews Collaboration with Beijing Government and Tsinghua University on Innovative Therapies for Infectious Diseases Prevalent in Low- and Middle-income Countries


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Commitment and expertise will strengthen Global Health Drug Discovery Institute’s research and development capacity

BEIJING (June 15, 2023) – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced a renewed collaboration with the Beijing Municipal Government and Tsinghua University to support the Global Health Drug Discovery Institute (GHDDI) in its efforts to improve health outcomes worldwide through lifesaving therapies for infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria, which disproportionately affect the world’s poorest.

Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) bear 90% of the global burden of infectious diseases, but only 10% of global spending on drug research and development goes toward diseases that disproportionately affect these populations, underscoring a clear case of global health inequality. GHDDI, a nonprofit institution established in 2016 as China’s first public-private partnership on innovative research between the Beijing Municipal Government, Tsinghua University, and the Gates Foundation, aims to address this disparity in research priorities.

Over the next five years, the Gates Foundation will provide US$50 million to GHDDI, which will be matched by the Beijing Municipal Government, in order to bolster the institute’s drug discovery capacity. Tsinghua University will also continue to support GHDDI in areas such as building and sharing research platforms, translating research discovery, and developing talent. The commitment was announced after today’s visit by Bill Gates, co-chair of the Gates Foundation, to GHDDI, where he delivered a speech titled, “The Power of Innovation to Solve Global Challenges.”

GHDDI primarily focuses on developing new drugs for communicable diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria, which have a significant impact on women, children, people living with HIV/AIDS, and other vulnerable populations in LMICs.

Over the last six years, the institute has built a state-of-the-art research center and established an extensive global drug discovery network, yielding promising preclinical and clinical assets. Its existing preclinical pipeline contains more than 10 projects, including a preclinical antimalarial candidate developed in collaboration with Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) and Malaria Drug Accelerator (MalDA). The candidate has demonstrated promising potential in reducing drug resistance, minimizing dosage, and even preventing malaria.

GHDDI has also collaborated with several international research institutions in the discovery of a series of novel compounds that have synergistic effects with existing anti-tuberculosis drugs to potentially shorten the treatment regimen of tuberculosis. Though still in the laboratory stage, these studies, once clinically tested, will provide new tools for the prevention and control of malaria and tuberculosis, significantly reducing disease transmission and burden.

“GHDDI exemplifies our foundation’s commitment to catalyzing innovation for the discovery and translation of transformative solutions to global health and development inequity,” said Zhi-Jie Zheng, China country director at the Gates Foundation. “We are excited to see its growing potential within the global health drug innovation ecosystem. With this new funding, we hope GHDDI will continue to drive R&D breakthroughs, ultimately improving the availability and accessibility of drugs for those in need around the world.”

“We will continue to work closely with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Tsinghua University to provide strong support for GHDDI in its endeavors to develop innovative drugs for the most challenging diseases in public health,” said person in charge of Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission and the Administrative Commission of Zhongguancun Science Park. “We are hopeful that GHDDI will produce more groundbreaking outcomes with global impact by further enhancing its innovation capacity through global collaboration, and establishing novel models and pathways for translational drug research. Ultimately, we strive to enhance the health and well-being of people around the world through our collective efforts.”

“New drug R&D is a systematic process that requires interdisciplinary collaborative innovation, translation of scientific research findings, and industry applications,” said Wang Hongwei, vice president of Tsinghua University. Tsinghua University attaches great importance to the development of life sciences, medicine, and pharmaceutical sciences. “Over the past six years, with the joint support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Beijing Municipal Government, and Tsinghua University, GHDDI has become an innovative drug discovery institution with outstanding research and development capabilities. Now in its next chapter of development, with the founding parties’ continued support, we believe that GHDDI will continue to reach new heights and help inject new impetus to the development of related disciplines, talent cultivation, and international collaboration at the Tsinghua University. We believe GHDDI will continue to drive positive change in global health improvement.”              

“GHDDI remains committed to addressing global health challenges through accelerated drug discovery,” said Dr. Sheng Ding, institute director of GHDDI and professor at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tsinghua University. “The renewed strong support from the Beijing Municipal Government, Tsinghua University, and the Gates Foundation is vital for the continued success of our institute. In addition to accomplishing our missions of discovering new drugs and knowledge, cultivating new talent, and advocating for global health, we strive for sustainable development in this new phase.”

About the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people's health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to ensure that all people—especially those with the fewest resources—have access to the opportunities they need to succeed in school and life. Based in Seattle, Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Mark Suzman, under the direction of Co-chairs Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates and the board of trustees.

About the Global Health Drug Discovery Institute

The Global Health Drug Discovery Institute (GHDDI) was jointly founded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Tsinghua University and Beijing Municipal Government in 2016 through an innovative Public-Private Partnership (PPP). It is an independent and not-for-profit research organization, first-of-its-kind in China. GHDDI is committed to improving global health and saving lives through accelerated development of new drugs and innovative technologies.

GHDDI focuses on translational research—from the bench to the bedside. Its research areas include antivirals, tuberculosis and malaria etc.

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