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阿拉伯新闻 2023 年 6 月 11 日

01 KSA Embassy Spox 率 Sec。 布林肯沙特访问

02 节的结论。 布林肯访问沙特

03 白宫是否简要介绍了沙特与伊朗的交易?

04 沙美在苏丹的努力能取得什么成果?

05 美国在帮助沙特在也门的努力方面是否做得足够

06 叙利亚重新加入阿盟

07 沙特对与以色列关系正常化的立场

沙特大使馆发言人 Fahad Nazer 表示,两国关系“多年来根基稳固”,而且与猜测相反,“在多个层面上继续加强、扩大和深化”


迪拜:中东的地区政治处于不断变化的状态——中国今年 3 月在长期竞争对手沙特阿拉伯和伊朗之间就和平协议进行谈判就证明了这一点。 这笔交易赋予中国和平缔造者地位,中国和印度位居沙特石油进口国之首,美国仍是这个海湾国家的重要合作伙伴吗?

沙特驻华盛顿大使馆首席发言人 Fahad Nazer 表示,尽管存在怀疑,但两国之间的关系比以往任何时候都更加牢固。

Nazer 告诉 Katie Jensen,“Frankly Speaking”的主持人 Katie Jensen 说:“这种关系不仅经久不衰,而且多年来确实在继续扩大和加深,”阿拉伯新闻脱口秀节目以采访主要决策者为特色。


Nazer 补充说,美国国务卿安东尼布林肯对沙特阿拉伯的访问“确实加强了这种关系的支柱......如果它发生了变化,那么它已经变得更好,因为它变得更广泛,更深入,更强大。

“就像拜登总统 7 月份的访问一样,这些访问加强了包括政治合作、安全合作、军事合作和贸易在内的支柱; 与此同时,他们还以多种方式勾勒出更广泛关系的新轮廓,其中包括在网络安全、减轻气候变化影响、粮食安全甚至太空探索等多个新领域的合作,”他 说。



“我认为这种关系多年来一直稳固,即使你指的是过去两年,我们在多条战线上的关系和合作与协调仍在继续,”纳泽尔说,指的是美国和沙特王国定期联合 军事演习,数以千计的沙特人在美国接受高等教育,数以千计的美国人居住在王国。


“我认为重要的是要注意,在任何关系中,你们必然会对某些政策有不同意见。 然而,这并不影响这样一个事实,即在涉及沙特阿拉伯和美国时,尤其是我们的政策一致程度远大于分歧,”他说。


Nazer 说,不仅仅是军事和教育交流,沙特与美国的商业关系处于两国关系的最前沿,估计每年 400 亿美元的双边贸易额为美国提供了 165,000 个工作岗位。


3 月,沙特阿拉伯的两家主要航空公司,新成立的利雅得航空公司和旗舰沙特阿拉伯航空公司签署了价值 370 亿美元的交易,为其机队购买 121 架波音梦想飞机。

仅沙特航空就是世界上最大的波音飞机客户之一,为美国人提供了数万个工作岗位。 (法新社资料图)

“这笔交易很重要。 我相信这对两国都很重要。 因此,作为 2030 年愿景的一部分,沙特阿拉伯的众多目标之一是将沙特王国转变为全球物流中心,同时也是全球旅游目的地。 我们相信我们可以为世界各地的游客和企业提供很多服务,”Nazer 说。 他补充说,除了让外国游客更容易进入沙特阿拉伯之外,这笔交易还将在美国创造约 110,000 个工作岗位。

Nazer 表示,沙特王国近年来的快速转型甚至让最严厉的批评者也不得不重新评估沙特与美国的关系。 美国参议员林赛·格雷厄姆 (Lindsey Graham) 已经大大改变了他之前对沙特王国的许多批评,他于 4 月访问沙特阿拉伯,祝贺政府达成波音交易。

“访问过沙特阿拉伯的人……即使是七年前或五年前,现在回来访问,也会不禁注意到这个王国发生的巨大变化。 你一降落在利雅得或吉达的机场就会看到它,”Nazer 说,并补充说美国的共和党和民主党政府都与沙特保持着牢固的关系。


“无论是参议员格雷厄姆还是其他人,在过去的几年里,我有幸真正陪同了许多美国代表团。 再一次,我从商界领袖、民间社会领袖和(和)智库领袖那里听到了同样的反馈。 人们真的很惊讶这个国家发生了多大的变化,它看起来有多么不同。 感觉不一样。 肯定是开了。 在这些访问之后,听到人们带着非常积极的印象回来,我并不感到惊讶。”

2023 年 4 月 13 日,美国参议员林赛·格雷厄姆(左)在吉达会见沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼。(SPA)

虽然纳泽尔强调双边关系一直很稳固,而且只会继续加强,但最近由中国斡旋的沙特阿拉伯和伊朗之间的和平协议遭到一些批评,称该协议“是对美国的一记耳光”。 后来,白宫确实表示他们已听取了有关该交易的简报,纳泽尔补充说,沙特阿拉伯“正在与我们的美国伙伴在多个方面进行持续对话。

“具体到伊朗,我们一直在说,并在这一点上回溯了好几年,伊朗显然是我们的邻居。 他们有很大的潜力。 他们的人口以年轻人为主。 他们拥有伟大的历史和文化。 因此,在过去的两年里,我们在不同的地方进行了多次会谈。 这最终导致了三月份在北京宣布的这项协议,我们在那里宣布恢复外交关系并开放我们的大使馆,”他说。

Nazer 说,这并不意味着伊朗和沙特阿拉伯之间所有问题的终结,尤其是在沙特王国对伊朗核计划的担忧方面。 不过,他补充说,沙特与伊朗和平协议带来的潜在稳定将在沙特阿拉伯和该地区产生积极影响。

美国需要合作伙伴应对挑战,没有比 MBS 更好的朋友:华盛顿时报专栏作家

“诸如将沙特王国转变为旅游目的地、物流中心、应对气候变化等问题,这些挑战在很多方面都是全球性的,需要该地区享有一定的和平与稳定。 因此,这就是我们正在做的事情,通过我们的参与,无论是与伊朗还是我们的其他一些区域合作伙伴,还有世界其他地区的合作伙伴,我们相信我们需要和平与繁荣, “ 他说。

尽管在地区问题上存在分歧,但美国和沙特阿拉伯之间日益紧密的关系证明了它们的稳定性和耐力。 与最近重新加入阿拉伯联盟并一直在恢复与许多阿拉伯国家的关系的叙利亚的关系正常化是美国和沙特王国的分歧点。

“我们的领导层得出正确的结论,即现状根本无法持续。 因此,无限期孤立叙利亚和叙利亚政府的努力无助于稳定叙利亚。 在允许提供和交付人道主义援助方面,他们当然没有提供帮助。 他们当然没有帮助数百万流离失所、现在在其他国家成为难民的人返回叙利亚,”纳泽尔说。

5 月,沙特阿拉伯王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼在吉达阿拉伯联盟峰会期间与叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德进行了会谈,这是自叙利亚内战开始以来首次包括叙利亚在内的此类会议。 美国国务院反对这种正常化,反对恢复阿萨德与阿拉伯国家之间的外交关系。

2023 年 5 月 19 日在吉达举行的阿拉伯首脑会议期间,沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(左)会见叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德。(Bandar Al-Jaloud / 沙特王宫)

“我们寻求推动的是政治解决那里的冲突,维护叙利亚的独立,维护其领土完整和统一,并允许流离失所者安全返回家园。 而且,让急需的人道主义援助能够到达最需要的人手中,”Nazer 说。

尽管中国无疑将自己描绘成一个和平缔造者,但沙特与美国的关系表明,沙特王国和美国准备共同充当和平的先驱。 在抵达沙特阿拉伯之前,布林肯国务卿表达了他的国家希望在沙特-以色列正常化中发挥作用的愿望。

“沙特阿拉伯在巴以冲突问题上的立场很明确,多年来一贯如此。 事实上,早在 2002 年,就是已故国王阿卜杜拉在当年贝鲁特阿拉伯联盟首脑会议上提出了现在所谓的阿拉伯和平倡议。 提议和倡议确实让以色列与阿拉伯国家的所有成员实现正常化,以换取基于两国解决方案与巴勒斯坦人实现公正和全面的和平,”纳泽尔说。

2023 年 6 月 8 日,美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯(左)与沙特外交大臣费萨尔·本·法汉在利雅得洲际酒店举行联合新闻发布会。(REUTERS/Pool)

虽然 Nazer 补充说“这个提议确实仍然摆在桌面上”,但在正常化真正继续之前,巴勒斯坦人权利的核心问题仍然是必须的。

美国和沙特阿拉伯最近一次成功的合作是在 5 月底进行的,当时两国在饱受战争蹂躏的苏丹促成停火。 尽管临时停火协议已过期并可能遭到违反,但两位调解人一直致力于在交战的苏丹武装部队和快速支援部队之间谈判更多的停火协议。

纳泽尔说:“沙特阿拉伯和美国一直在密切合作,努力推进或帮助恢复苏丹的和平与稳定。 我们都是正在进行的一些会谈的调解人,这些会谈使一些人道主义援助得以运送到苏丹,并稍微缓和了紧张局势。 因此,我们相信这些都是朝着正确方向迈出的步骤。”

远远超出区域政治——甚至国际政治——沙特与美国合作所能带来的最后边界。 上个月末,美国公司 SpaceX 和 Axiom Space 将有史以来第一位阿拉伯女宇航员送入太空,这两个国家创造了历史。 Rayyanah Barnawi 和沙特宇航员 Ali Al-Qarni 是第一批访问国际空间站的沙特人,Barnawi 在那里进行了多项科学实验。

“在某些方面,这是一种不同的体验。 对于王国其他地区来说,这几乎是一种身临其境的体验,因为宇航员……能够与王国的人们分享他们的大部分经历,”Nazer 说。


Frankly Speaking: Is the US still important for Saudi Arabia?

01 KSA Embassy Spox rates Sec. Blinken Saudi visit
02 Conclusion of Sec. Blinken visit to Saudi
03 Was White House brief about Saudi-Iran deal?
04 What can Saudi-US efforts achieve in Sudan?
05 Has US done enough to help Saudi efforts in Yemen
06 Re-admission of Syria to the Arab League
07 Saudi position towards normalization with Israel
  • Saudi Embassy Spokesperson Fahad Nazer says relations have been “on solid ground for many years” and, contrary to speculation, “continues to strengthen, broaden and deepen on multiple levels”
  • He answers questions on recent Blinken visit results, whether Chinese-brokered Iran deal was a snub to Washington, how Riyadh balances its historic US ties with new partnerships

DUBAI: The regional politics of the Middle East are in a state of constant flux — something made evident by China’s negotiation of a peace deal between longtime rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran in March this year. With this deal giving China peacemaker status, and China and India topping the list of countries importing Saudi oil, is the US still an important partner for the Gulf nation?

Fahad Nazer, chief spokesman of the Saudi Embassy in Washington, says that despite skepticism, the ties between the two countries are stronger than ever.

“This is a relationship that has not only endured, but has really continued to broaden and to deepen over the years,” Nazer told Katie Jensen, host of “Frankly Speaking,” the Arab News talk show that features interviews with leading policymakers.

Nazer added that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Saudi Arabia “really reinforced the pillars of the relationship … if it has changed, it has changed for the better in the sense that it’s gotten broader and deeper and stronger.

Frankly Speaking host Katie Jensen interviewing Fahad Nazer, spokesman for the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C. (Supplied)

“Much like President Biden’s visit back in July these visits have reinforced that the pillars which include political cooperation, security cooperation, military cooperation and trade; at the same time in many ways, they have also outlined the new contours of a more expanded relationship that does include cooperation on a number of new fronts, including cybersecurity, mitigating the impact of climate change, food security and even space exploration,” he said.

While some analysts have described the past two years of Saudi-US ties as some of the worst in recent history, primarily due to actions taken in the early days of the Biden administration, Nazer disagrees with the popular “animosity to reconciliation” narrative.

“I think the relationship has been on solid ground for many years, even if you’re referring to the past two years, our relationship and cooperation and coordination on multiple fronts has continued,” Nazer said, referencing the US and the Kingdom’s regularly joint military exercises, the thousands of Saudis pursuing higher education in the US, and thousands of Americans living in the Kingdom.

“I think it’s important to note that in any relationship, you are bound to have a difference of opinion over certain policies. However, that does not detract from the fact that when it comes to Saudi Arabia and the US, in particular, our policies align much more broadly than we have differences,” he said.

Far more than just military and educational exchange, though, Saudi-US business ties are at the forefront of the relationship between the two countries, says Nazer, who said that the estimated $40 billion in bilateral annual trade value supports 165,000 American jobs.

In March, two of Saudi Arabia’s major carriers, the new Riyadh Air and flagship Saudia, signed $37 billion in deals to purchase 121 Boeing Dreamliner aircraft for their fleets.

Saudia alone is one of the world's biggest customer of Boeing aircraft, providing tens of thousands of jobs for Americans. (AFP file photo)

“This deal was important. I do believe it was important for both countries. So, one of the many goals that Saudi Arabia has as part of Vision 2030 is to transform the Kingdom into a global logistics hub, but also a global tourism destination. We believe that we have a lot to offer to tourists and certainly businesses around the world,” Nazer said. He added that in addition to making the Kingdom more accessible to foreign tourists, the deal will also create an estimated 110,000 jobs in the US.

According to Nazer, the Kingdom’s rapid transformation in recent years has convinced even the harshest of critics to reevaluate the Saudi-US relationship. US Senator Lindsey Graham has pivoted away significantly from many of his previous criticisms of the Kingdom, visiting Saudi Arabia in April to congratulate the government on the Boeing deal.

“People who visit Saudi Arabia … even seven years ago or five years ago, and come back and visit now, cannot help but notice the dramatic changes that have taken place in the Kingdom. You see it as soon as you land at the airport in Riyadh or Jeddah,” Nazer said, adding that both Republican and Democratic administrations in the US have maintained strong ties with the Kingdom.

“Whether it’s Senator Graham or others, I’ve had the pleasure of actually accompanying a number of American delegations over the past couple of years. And again, I hear the same feedback from business leaders, from civil society leaders, (and) think tank leaders. People are literally amazed at how much the country has changed, how it looks different. It feels different. It’s certainly opened up. And I’m not surprised to hear people come back with a very positive impression, you know, following these visits.”

US Senator Lindsey Graham, left, meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Jeddah on April 13, 2023. (SPA)

While Nazer stressed that bilateral relations have been robust and are only continuing to strengthen, the recent Chinese-brokered peace agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran has some critics calling the deal “a slap in the face to the US.” Later, the White House did state that they were briefed on the deal, and Nazer added that Saudi Arabia has “ongoing conversations with our American partners on a number of fronts.

“When it comes to Iran specifically, we have said all along and going back several years at this point, that Iran is obviously our neighbor. They have great potential. They have a predominantly young population. They have a great history and culture. And so, over the past two years, we’ve had a number of talks in different places. And that culminated in this agreement as was announced in Beijing back in March, where we did announce the restoration of diplomatic relations and opening our embassies,” he said.

This does not signify, Nazer said, the end of all problems between Iran and Saudi Arabia, particularly when it comes to concerns that the Kingdom has over Iran’s nuclear program. He added, however, that the potential stability brought about by the Saudi-Iran peace deal will have positive effects both within Saudi Arabia and regionally.

US needs partners to face challenges, it has no better friend than MBS: Washington Times columnist

“Things like transforming the Kingdom into a tourism destination, into a logistics hub, combating climate change, these are challenges that are in many ways global in nature and require the region to enjoy some peace and stability. And so, this is what we’re doing, and through our engagements, whether with Iran or some of our other, you know, regional partners, but also partners in other regions of the world, we believe that we need peace and prosperity,” he said.

The increasingly stronger ties between the US and Saudi Arabia, despite their differences in opinion on regional issues, is a testament to their stability and endurance. Normalization of ties with Syria, which recently re-entered the Arab League and has been restoring relations with a number of Arab countries, was a point of disagreement for the US and the Kingdom.

“Our leadership has concluded correctly that the status quo was simply not sustainable. So, the efforts to isolate Syria and the Syrian government, indefinitely, were not helping stabilize Syria. They were certainly not helping in terms of allowing the provision and the delivery of humanitarian assistance. And they certainly were not helping return the millions of people, who have been displaced and who are now refugees in other countries, return to Syria,” Nazer said.

In May, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman spoke with Syrian President Bashar Assad on the sidelines of the Arab League summit in Jeddah, the first such meeting which included Syria since the start of the Syrian Civil War. The US State Department has pushed back against such normalization, opposing the restoration of diplomacy between Assad and Arab countries.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (L) meeting with Syria's President Bashar Assad on the sidelines of the Arab Summit meeting in Jeddah on May 19, 2023. (Bandar Al-Jaloud / Saudi Royal Palace)


“What we are seeking to promote is a political resolution to the conflict there that preserves Syria’s independence, that preserves its territorial integrity and unity, and allows people who have been displaced to return to their homes safely. And also, to allow the delivery of badly needed humanitarian assistance to reach the people who need it most,” Nazer said.

Though China has certainly presented itself as a peacemaker, the Saudi-US relationship has shown that the Kingdom and the US are prepared to act as harbingers of peace together. Before his arrival in Saudi Arabia, Secretary Blinken expressed his country’s desire to play a role in Saudi-Israeli normalization.

“Saudi Arabia’s position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been clear and has been consistent for many years. In fact, it was the late King Abdullah, who, way back in 2002, introduced what is now known as the Arab Peace Initiative at the Arab League Summit in Beirut in that year. And the proposal, the initiative, does offer Israel normalization with all members of the Arab states in return for a just and comprehensive peace with the Palestinians based on a two-state solution,” Nazer said.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, left, attends a joint news conference with Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal Bin Farhan at the Intercontinental Hotel in Riyadh on June 8, 2023. (REUTERS/Pool)


While Nazer added that “that offer really still remains on the table,” the core issue of Palestinian rights is still a must before normalization can truly continue.

The most recent successful collaborative effort between the US and the Kingdom was carried out at the end of May, when the two countries brokered a ceasefire in war-torn Sudan. Though the temporary ceasefire expired and was subject to violations, the two mediators have worked to negotiate more ceasefire deals between the warring Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces.

Nazer said: “Saudi Arabia and the US have been working very closely on trying to advance or help restore peace and stability in Sudan. We are both facilitators of some of the talks that have been taking place that have allowed some of the humanitarian aid to be delivered to Sudan and have decreased tensions a little bit. So, we believe that these are steps in the right direction.”

Far, far beyond regional politics — or even international politics — the final frontier awaits what Saudi-US cooperation can bring. Late last month, the two nations made history when American companies SpaceX and Axiom Space launched the first-ever female Arab astronaut into space. Rayyanah Barnawi and fellow Saudi astronaut Ali Al-Qarni were the first Saudis to ever visit the International Space Station, where Barnawi carried out multiple scientific experiments.

“In some ways, this was a different experience. It was almost an immersive experience for the rest of the Kingdom because the astronauts … were able to share much of their experience with people back in the Kingdom,” Nazer said.

“It was a very exciting and a very proud moment for us.”

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