
西澳大利亚州州长 愚蠢反华言论使经济和就业面临风险

(2023-05-29 04:12:19) 下一个

'Stupid' anti-China rhetoric puts economy and jobs at risk: McGowan

Tom Rabe WA political correspondent  
West Australian Premier Mark McGowan has warned federal counterparts against “outrageously stupid” and xenophobic rhetoric towards China, citing his former career as an Australian naval officer as key to shaping his views on foreign relations with the country's largest trading partner.

Having earlier this month handed down a sixth consecutive budget surplus, Mr McGowan said east coast politicians, commentators and other “elites” misunderstood the WA economy, and resented his state for its success.


Tom Rabe 西澳政治通讯员 2023 年 5 月 22 日





“当我在海军服役时,我记得我第一次乘军舰出海时,有人说我们将如何在 10 年或更长时间内与印度尼西亚开战,”他告诉《澳大利亚金融评论报》。

“他们是我们在 1990 年代初担心的人。



McGowan 先生针对联邦反对党领袖 Peter Dutton 和西澳自由党议员 Andrew Hastie 对中国的立场进行了抨击。



“他们似乎认为,有时与拥有核武器的超级大国开战是个好主意。 我只是觉得那非常愚蠢和危险。 我认为这是政治性的,因为我认为他们认为仇外心理有效,但我认为大多数澳大利亚人比这更明智。”


McGowan 在最近对中国进行贸易访问期间被录音,称 Hastie 先生“吞下了某种冷战药片”,他也警告过中国对太平洋地区的威胁。

周三在珀斯举行的澳大利亚金融评论矿业峰会之前,麦高恩先生否认西澳过于依赖铁矿石,该商品在 2022-23 年为该州带来了近 100 亿美元的特许权使用费。

“有什么选择,我们停止销售它? 你想让我们放弃我们的市场吗? 你想让我们说‘不,我们要阻止’它是一个巨大的就业创造者并产生大量收入,”他说。

“这有点像对日本说‘你们是不是太依赖电子和汽车工业了’。 这就是我们所做的。”

尽管如此,麦高恩政府在本月的预算中拨款近 50 亿美元用于该州经济多元化的举措,包括在德克萨斯州建立新的投资中心以促进与美洲地区的贸易,以及旨在加速重要矿产发现的地球科学计划。 哇。

周四,第二任州长对联邦财长吉姆查默斯 (Jim Chalmers) 发表的评论表示欢迎,即联邦政府没有计划修改西澳 70 美分的商品及服务税下限,但表示他不会放松警惕。

McGowan 先生表示,他还不能宣布在旷日持久的商品及服务税斗争中取得胜利,并警告未来的联邦领导人要避开其他州领导人所呼吁的改革。


“他们中的很多人不了解西澳大利亚州所做贡献的性质,我认为他们中的一些人对此表示反感,他们也反感被告知这一点。 我理解 [that] 因为我在新南威尔士州和昆士兰州长大……如果你没来过这里,你就不会理解。”

在回应 McGowan 先生的批评时,前 SAS 上尉和影子国防部长 Hastie 先生表示,西澳州长应该阅读国防战略评估,其中提到了中国的军事建设和战略意图。

“总理学得慢。 我敦促他阅读 Albanese 政府的《国防战略评论》,并更新他过时的盲目乐观的世界观,”Hastie 先生说。

“我们将与工党密切合作,制定关键立法,以实现这一切。 我确实想知道为什么总理对 AUKUS 如此矛盾。”


WA Premier Mark McGowan speaking to The Australian Financial Review at his Perth office.  Ross Swanborough


China accounts for more than half of WA’s exports and the country’s appetite for iron ore has helped propel the state’s economy and bolster its budget.

Australia’s security would only be improved by developing strong ties with the regional power, Mr McGowan said, insisting the relationship could prosper without damaging existing alliances with the United States and United Kingdom.

“When I was in the navy I remember the first time I went to sea on a warship I had guys saying how we’re going to be at war with Indonesia within 10 years or something,” he told The Australian Financial Review.

“They were the ones that we were worried about back in the early 1990s.

“That’s all disappeared because we have a good relationship with them.

“I’m an ex-naval officer, I actually have the view that having friendly and productive relationships with countries in our region is good for our security.”

Mr McGowan took aim at federal opposition leader Peter Dutton and WA Liberal MP Andrew Hastie over their positions on China.

“They’ve worked themselves up into a frenzy,” he said.

“I think the Liberals or Nationals think there’s political advantage in it, but how is there political advantage in wrecking the Australian economy and hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs?

“They seem to think going to war with a nuclear armed superpower is a good idea sometimes. I just find that incredibly stupid and dangerous. I think it’s political because I think they think xenophobia works, but I think most Australians are more sensible than that.”

Mr Dutton last year said Australia needed to prepare for the prospect of war in coming years, insisting the country “stand up” and “stare down” any acts of aggression from nations like China.

McGowan was caught on tape during a recent trade visit to China saying Mr Hastie, who has also warned of China’s threat to the Pacific region, had “swallowed some sort of Cold War pills”.

Speaking ahead of The Australian Financial Review Mining Summit in Perth on Wednesday, Mr McGowan denied WA was too reliant on iron ore, with the commodity earning the state almost $10 billion in royalties in 2022-23.

“What is the alternative, we stop selling it? Do you want us to give up our markets? Do you want us to say ‘no, we’re going to block that’ it’s a big employment generator and generates massive amounts of revenue,” he said.

“It’s a bit like saying to Japan ‘are you too reliant on electronics and car industry’. This is what we do.”

Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan on the steps of state parliament last Thursday.

Despite this, the McGowan government allocated close to half a billion dollars in this month’s budget to initiatives to diversify the state economy, including a new investment hub in Texas to boost trade with the Americas region and a geoscience program aimed at accelerating critical mineral discovery in WA.

The second-term premier welcomed comments by federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers on Thursday that the Commonwealth government had no plans to tinker with WA’s 70¢ GST floor, but said he would not let his guard down.

Mr McGowan said he could not yet claim victory in the long-running GST battle, and warned future federal leaders to steer clear of reforms called for by other state leaders.

“If anyone ever crosses that line again, they’ll suffer dire political and voter backlash in WA, that’s basically a given,” he said.

“A lot of them don’t understand the nature of the contribution WA makes, and I think some of them resent it, and they resent being told it. I understand [that] because I grew up in NSW and Queensland ... when you haven’t been here, you don’t understand it.”

Responding to Mr McGowan’s criticisms, former SAS captain and shadow defence minister Mr Hastie said the WA premier should read the National Defence Strategic Review, which references China’s military build-up and strategic intent.

“The premier is a slow learner. I urge him to read the Albanese government’s Defence Strategic Review, and update his antiquated Pollyanna worldview,” Mr Hastie said.

“We are about to work very closely with Labor on key legislation to make all of this happen. I do wonder why the Premier is so ambivalent towards AUKUS.”

Mr Dutton’s office was contacted for comment.

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