
法国6月将100%控股电力公司 Sameer al Doumy

(2023-05-24 21:20:58) 下一个


法国经济部长布鲁诺·勒梅尔 (Bruno Le Maire) 宣布,国家将于 6 月 8 日拥有 法国电力公司EDF 的 100% 控制权。经济部长表达了他的“严格要求”,特别是电力公司EDF 的增加电力生产,并排除了该公司所有权的任何的肢解行动。 


法国经济部长宣布国家6月8日将100%控股电力公司EDF集团 Sameer al Doumy 


法国部长宣布国家6月8日将100%控股电力公司EDF。法国电力公司EDF的重新国有化作业即将完成。 “6 月 8 日,国家将对 EDF 拥有 100% 的控制权”,这是经济部长布鲁诺·勒梅尔 (Bruno Le Maire)周二,在接受 RTL 电台的采访时宣布的。  

结束一项要延迟数月才能完成的行动,也就是解除该集团的反对国营的小股东们提出的上诉时间;这些小股东拥有的股权总计达 97 亿欧元。  

经济部长说,迄今为止,国家持有 97.69% 的资本和至少 98.04% 的投票权,并于23日周二向金融市场管理局发送了“实施强制退出的请求”。 XXX 因此,那些仍由私人股东持有的 2% 的股份必须转让给国家,这是 EDF 从巴黎股票市场上消失之前的最后一阶段手续的操作。 最终,法国电力公司集团在巴黎证券交易所度过不到 18 年的时间。 

EDF 的重新国有化不仅旨在使其能够“在尽可能最好的条件下执行六个新核反应堆的建设计划”,而且“对 EDF 提出明确的要求”,也就是无论是在核电生产方面“返回尽快达到 350 太瓦时”(去年为 279 太瓦时),同时能获得“尽可能低的电价”,这点是“我们公司竞争力的关键”。  

经济部长的信息很明确,国家打算利用其作为能源公司唯一股东的地位强加其观点。 这种姿态很可能会违背新任集团首席执行官 Luc Rémont 的意愿,他认为 EDF 是一家与其他公司一样的公司,对市场规律做出反应。 风险很高,因为与受监管的历史核电 (Arenh)  相关的关税即将结束,欧洲正在讨论其电力市场的未来。 

State takeover of EDF resumes after appeal dismissed

May 03, 2023


The French State has requested the country's Financial Markets Authority (AMF) reopens the simplified public tender offer for the outstanding shares of EDF after the Paris Court of Appeal dismissed a claim lodged by minority shareholders in EDF challenging the deal.

EDF's board of directors on 27 October last year approved an offer by the French state to renationalise the company by increasing its shareholding in EDF from 84% to 100% in a deal worth almost EUR10 billion (USD11 billion).

The following month, the AMF approved the simplified public tender offer filed by the French state for the equity securities of EDF, with an offer price of EUR12.00 per EDF share and EUR15.52 per OCEANE (existing shares not already held by the French state). The offer was open from 24 November to 22 December inclusive.

A group of minority shareholders took the case to the Paris Court of Appeal arguing that the price offered to EDF shareholders was too low. The employee shareholding fund Actions EDF and the non-profit organisations Energie En Actions and Association pour la Défense des Actionnaires Minoritaires are seeking the annulment of the clearance decision on the offer.

The AMF announced in late-January that the simplified public tender offer will be closed on 3 February, pending the decision of the Paris Court of Appeal.

The Court has now dismissed the claim, confirming the validity of the offer with regard to the applicable legislative and regulatory provisions.

The AMF said that, in accordance with the French State's undertakings, the offer will be "reopened for a period of 10 trading days from 4 May 2023 to 17 May 2023 included".

"Following this period, the French State will request the implementation of a squeeze-out procedure for EDF shares and OCEANEs, since the legal and regulatory conditions for such implementation will be met," EDF said.

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