现在的小雨点儿,3岁又8个月,话匣子打开,滔滔不绝,而且表情丰富,有时候还双手一摊,耸耸肩膀,样子可爱又逗乐!而且口头语:"remember," “ perfect! “ 带询问调调的“OK?” “ Got it ?” 都是从老师学来的吧!要求你一件事儿时,一双小胖手抱在胸前,歪着小脑袋、眯眯眼、笑嘻嘻“Please , Please!”? 姥姥是没能力拒绝的!
话多,问题也多。不仅表达清楚,而且有点儿“ 矫情。”
?1. 小雨点儿在家里上学前吃早餐,就是牛奶加cereal 或oatmeal . 到姥姥家她发现了不一样。姥姥又是炒菜,煮蛋、热牛奶、烤面包……,一通忙活! 问妈妈:“why Laolao make dinner in the morning ?” 哈哈,因为太姥姥早餐要吃的丰盛些呀!
2. 学校里照三到四岁年龄组班级的标准像。班里有16个小朋友,再加上校长,班主任老师,老师助理6个人,拿到照片后,小雨点儿知道每一个人的名字,向奶奶一一介绍,指到Elizabeth 时说:”she is my best friend , she has a boy friend! “ 奶奶问:" What is her boy friend name ?” “ I don’t know !”
3. 有一天,她穿着漂亮的裙子准备上学了,对妈妈说:“I always get fancy, but not you!” 可会表扬自己了。
4. 姥姥说:“你是个大姐姐!” 她马上说:"I am not big sister , I am not baby , I am just a kid !” 正确,有点儿”矫情"吧!但有时候也会撒娇,“I am still a baby , 抱抱me Please”
5. 姥姥问:“ 我可以去学校看你吗?" 她回答:" Teacher will say NO, only kids can come to class. Every school day , I go to school , you go back your house , can’t stay my house "什么时候姥可以去看你呀?"" NO school day, come to my home !’ 疫情下,也明白着呢!
6. 她要拿桌子上的花镜,我说:”this is not regular glasses . When people is getting old , they need this special glasses. “ 她马上说:Lao Lao , laoye . My mommy ,my daddy have there own glasses ,they don’t need " 反应挺快,姥姥是老啦!
7. 她看动画片《the doc mcstuffin》 说:“remember ,you are the doctor , I will be a doctor too .” 而且接下来还有声有色讲了一通,姥姥只听懂几个单词,和"this is the ending of story .”
8.记得事情啦!一天,忽然指着餐厅里地毯说:“ remember, this is from my home , my mommy took it to your house. This is pretty …,” 天哪,她还记得这事儿,这块大地毯还真是几个月前她妈妈拿到姥家的!
9.可会说好听话了。姥姥问:“do you miss your mei mei ? “ “ NO! “ “ do you miss you mommy ?” ‘NO!””do you miss your daddy ? “ “NO! , I miss you ! I want to stay with you !” “ I miss you , I come back your home visit you !”
9. 姥姥也会被小孙女批评:“ you never say yes !” 这是在不被允许看电视时。
10. 姥姥告诉她:"只有姥姥家的花才可以摘,别人家的不可以摘。她马上说:"My home is OK “ 反应正确,加分。
11. 告诉姥姥,她有“four best friends,
Three boys, one girl” 我马上借机问"姥姥是你的best friend 吗?” “ yes, you are,” 谢谢你,小宝贝儿,姥姥获此殊荣,真高兴。愿意永远做你的best friend! 永远!永远!!