3. 姥姥说:“ 不能调皮,要听话!”她说:“I am not 调皮,Ingrid 调皮!”还笑咪咪的!回家之后,她告诉妈妈“I’m 调皮 ! Laolao says I’m 调皮! ” 哈哈,中英混搭聊天兼“告状”!
4.可喜欢来姥姥家了,有一次她搂着姥姥脖子说:"姥姥,I miss you so much ! ” 一句话,让姥姥老泪盈眶。每次回到她家,第二天醒来告诉妈妈:“ I was sad to leave laolao’s. Will you text her and so I can go back on Friday ”。之后妈妈说:“OK,we’re going to see Laolao Next weekend “
5. 有小心思了,愿意自己一个人来姥姥家。一天她问妈妈:“ are you going to drop me off and pick me up? ”妈妈说:“ I’ll stay with you. "她说:“ no I don’t want you to stay” 女婿也悄悄告诉我,小雨点儿说:“ you and mama go back your house , I stay Laolao ‘’ house ! I don’t like you and mommy stay with me at Laolao‘s house “ 哈哈,担心爸爸妈妈管着、自由自在多好啊!
6. 在加油站,看到姥爷加油,她说:”get gas , car can go !” 哎哟,不知道从何时起,看明白了。
7. 她画了一棵苹果树,一个小人,一个大的人,一本正经的说:" that is Apple tree , this is me , that is you ! " 多好的小孙女!
8. 春节学会用中文说:“新年快乐、恭喜发财!” 发财两个字,拖着音调,逗死人了!
9. 有一天,她突然问妈妈:“Is laolao your mommy? Do you love your mommy too?” “ is 姥爷your daddy ?”who is daddy’s daddy and mommy “ 妈妈说:“ grandpa and grandma!” “ Can we visit their house? ”。”yes, we can go summer! “ “ Yes, we can go pool whatever we want . 哈哈,挺会聊天啦!
10. 和妈妈去 toy store ,她说I:“ I want all the toys! 妈妈说:“ you can’t have ALL the toys。”。之后她说:” I know mama I’m just kidding bc I’m a funny girl ” 嘻嘻,还挺明白!
11. 一次,在回姥姥家之前,妈妈去买蛋糕,爸爸和小姐俩在车里等侯。可能是店里人多、过了一段时间妈妈也未回来。小雨点儿对爸爸说"daddy , I am so patient !” 把爸爸逗的直乐!瞧瞧,会夸自己了!
12 .现在学会了做游戏,说:“You be the teacher and I’m the student” 或者"I am teacher , you are student .” 之后,拿着小棍、指着姥姥的沙发靠垫,“what is this ? This is red flower , what is this ? This is rain now flowers …,” 还配有表情,挺象个小老师!
13 .这一次回姥姥家,耍了一次大脾气、第一次啲!姥姥拿她的澡盆、准备放到大浴缸里时,她不知为什么大声哭喊、“I don’t want to take bath, I don’t want to take bath,…” 还使劲抢澡盆、踮起脚尖关了洗手间的灯!自己爬上大床继续哭,姥姥一看不行,只好用手捂着脸也装哭,但见小人人儿哭声小了,“姥姥,抱抱me !抱抱me! “ 姥姥赶紧抱着小人人儿,她立刻不哭了,还紧紧和姥姥贴脸,这下倒真把姥姥弄哭了!知道心疼人了。姥姥说:“不洗澡多脏呀,咱们吃块巧克力吧!” ” Ok ! “ 立即破涕而笑。 之后,自己高高兴兴去刷牙,让姥姥帮助洗澡。之后,读了二本小书,乖乖的睡觉了。小小孩儿,似六月天,说变就变。
14 . 动画片迷!开始会笑咪咪的、耸着肩膀、眯着眼睛,伸出小胖手,” I want to watch TV, just one , Please ! “ 姥姥说:“Ok!” 立即跑到沙发上坐好! 看了一阵子,你要关电视,大部分时间都会说"NO! never!” 你要讲一会儿:”电视机累啦、你也累啦,让我们休息一会儿吧!”。听进去了,会说: “ OK,turn off !” 也是个小小明白人,不是一根轴。
15. 刚过了两个星期,又回姥姥家过周末,象往次一样,洗过澡准备穿纸尿裤时,她说:“my mom said I don’t need it . I am big girl , Pull it out . ” 天哪,你妈妈也不交待清楚,又让姥姥不懂啦!真正的一个big girl 啦!小乖乖!
16 . 回家的路上,睡着了。到家后醒了。妈妈说:"去厕所Pepe,之后上床睡觉” 。小人人儿坐上小马桶,滔滔不绝的说开了,姥姥坐在旁边小凳子上,看着她。心想这小人儿神游呢吧!在不停的话中,姥姥只听懂了“now I am big girl!” “ you can’t go to Ingrid‘s room , she is sleeping “. ” My house is biger than your house …..”. 叭拉叭拉说起沒完啦。姥姥赶紧打住,:”不尿了,我们赶紧睡觉吧!” “ OK, go my room .” 哈哈,是睡明白了还是神游啊!
Funny girl!