
OpenVPN Server 安装与设置: Tomato, Windows, Softether

(2016-11-23 12:26:48) 下一个

(一)几种常见 VPN Protocols

看坛子里玩VPN, 俺也试验了一下。相对来说, PPTP最容易设置,OpenVPN次之,L2TP/IPsec 似乎比较麻烦(但用Softether容易设置)。 以下是各种VPN比较:

  • PPTP

    PPTP is a fast, & easy-to-use protocol with a simple setup process. It is a good choice if OpenVPN isn't supported by your device.

  • L2TP/IPsec

    L2TP/IPsec is a protocol built into most desktop, phone, and tablet devices. It is a good choice if OpenVPN isn't supported by your device and security is top priority.

  • OpenVPN

    OpenVPN is the recommended protocol for desktops including Windows, Mac OS  and Linux. Highest performance - fast, secure and reliable.

(参考: http://www.giganews.com/vyprvpn/compare-vpn-protocols.html)

(二) Routing vs. Bridging

用 VPN 一个重要的要求是所有的上网流量都要走VPN,因此要考虑服务器实际网络与虚拟网络的连接。一般来说,routing 比较容易。 Router上直接就行,Windows 和Linux routing 比较简单。 

(参考: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/BridgingAndRouting)


(1) TomatoUSB OpenVPN (Linksys WRT54G)

参考: http://www.howtogeek.com/60774/connect-to-your-home-network-from-anywhere-with-openvpn-and-tomato/


OpenVPN server在Tomato router上设置最容易。 缺点是只能用证书, 不能加用户名与密码。

(2) OpenVPN Server on Windows (Dell Desktop Pentium 4 CPU + 2GB RAM)


(a) 安装: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/HOWTO#WindowsNotes

(b) VPN上网: Windows XP as OpenVPN server with redirect-gateway


  • Your Windows XP PC becomes an Internet gateway, using OpenVPN server mode. Traffic can be tunneled from any OpenVPN client.


  • This example assumes that you already know how to install OpenVPN and setup keys and/or certificates. For the scope of this example, information about key and certificate management will not be provided.


  • We'll setup a server.ovpn, a client.ovpn, and some Windows XP settings. Keep in mind that .ovpn is the Windows equivalent of .conf in Linux.

重点: 如何实现虚拟网络与实体网络的流量交换?

Start -> Right-click My Computer -> Manage Services
Right-click Routing and Remote Access -> Properties -> Automatic
Right-click Routing and Remote Access -> Start

Control Panel -> Network Connections -> Local Area Connection ->
Properties -> Advanced

-> Tick the box "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection"
From the drop-down list select "Local Area Connection X", or whatever is the connection name of your TAP OpenVPN server interface.

Start-> run-> regedit (you type regedit)*

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters
Value: IPEnableRouter
Data: 0x00000001 (1)
*Since this is Windows XP, you should restart Windows after making changes to registry.

(3) SoftetherVPN Server on Windows: L2TP and OpenVPN (Dell Desktop Pentium 4 CPU + 2GB RAM)

SoftEther VPN ("SoftEther" means "Software Ethernet") is one of the world's most powerful and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software. It runs on Windows, Linux, Mac, FreeBSD and Solaris.


重点: 如何实现虚拟网络与实体网络的流量交换?

参考: https://www.softether.org/index.php?title=4-docs/1-manual/3._SoftEther_VPN_Server_Manual/3.7_Virtual_NAT_%26_Virtual_DHCP_Servers

Softether OpenVPN 优点:

(1)Softether.net 提供 DDNS(软件自动安装)。

(2)Softether 提供用户管理,可设用户密码。

(3)自动生成 server/client opvn 配置文件,加密证书与密钥都由软件自动生成。

(4)用户连接除了配置文件, 还需要用户名和密码。保密性好。


(四)Firewall port forwarding

因为OpenVPN router 和PC 都在防火墙后面,一级 router 要设 port forwarding。

如果打开 Windows Firewall, 也要做 port forwarding.

OpenVPN 的最大优点, tcp/udp port number 可以随意选择,尤其是选择 tcp 80/443 后与 http/https 流量相同, 不容易被封。

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