

文献索引: 第九章 传说中的神枪手

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·    英国北安普顿郡警察局和莱斯特大学的指纹提取新技术 – 参见莱斯特大学新闻档案2004-2013 (University of Leicester news and events archive 2004-2013): “New advance in revolutionary 'bullet fingerprinting' technique”( http://www.le.ac.uk/ebulletin-archive/ebulletin/news/press-releases/2000-2009/2009/07/nparticle.2009-07-13.html), 以及莱斯特大学研究简报 “New forensic techniques for fingerprint detection help crack unsolved crimes”( http://www2.le.ac.uk/research/challenges/safe/fingerprint)。
·    贝纳利半自动步枪 Benelli R1 – 参见 guns.com文章 “Benelli R1”( http://www.guns.com/reviews/benelli-r1/)。
·    英国近卫骑兵团骑兵中士克雷格·哈里森 – 英国每日邮报 (Daily Mail) 2010年五月二日,“The super sniper: Hero picks off two Taliban from a mile and a half away”( http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1270414/British-sniper-sets-new-sharpshooting-record-1-54-mile-double-Taliban-kill.html)。
·    英国匿名狙击手 – 英国每日电讯报 (The Telegraph) 2015 年二月二日,“British Royal Marine is world's deadliest sniper”( http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/11383552/British-Royal-Marine-is-worlds-deadliest-sniper.html)。
·    克里斯·凯尔 – Chris Kyle, 参见US Navy SEAL个人简历网站 (http://www.biography.com/people/chris-kyle) 。其遗作 “American Sniper”《美国狙击手》2014年被拍成电影 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2179136/), 2015年获得若干项奥斯卡提名,最后获得最佳音响编辑奖  (Best Achievement in Sound Editing)。
·    关于印度的体育成绩 – 参见维基词条《奥林匹克运动会奖牌统计》(https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A5%A5%E6%9E%97%E5%8C%B9%E5%85%8B%E8%BF%90%E5%8A%A8%E4%BC%9A%E5%A5%96%E7%89%8C%E7%BB%9F%E8%AE%A1)。
·    美国王牌狙击手凯尔就非常喜爱300 WM: 见凯尔书《美国狙击手》:“I used the .300 Win Mag for most of my kills.  It’s an excellent all-around cartridge, whose performance allows for superb accuracy as well as stopping power. The .300 is a little heavier gun by design. It shoots like a laser. Anything from 1,000 yards and out, you’re just plain nailing it. And on closer targets, you don’t have to worry about too much correction for your come-ups. You can dial in your 500 yard dope and still hit a target from 100-700 yards without worrying too much about making minute adjustments.”
·    .300 Win Mag 和北约标准弹 7.56 mm x 51 mm 比较:参见维基词条“.300 Winchester Magnum” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.300_Winchester_Magnum) 和“7.62×51mm NATO”(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7.62%C3%9751mm_NATO): 北约标准弹有两种规格,10克弹头出膛速度 833 m/s, 11克弹头出膛初速790m/s; .300 Win Mag 弹头质量12克,出膛初速910 m/s。
·    达姆弹 – 参见美国步枪协会 (National Rifle Association, NRA) 定义 (https://www.nraila.org/about/glossary/): Dum-Dum Bullet. A British military bullet developed in India`s Dum-Dum Arsenal and used on India`s North West Frontier and in the Sudan in 1897 and 1898. It was a jacketed .303 cal. British bullet with the jacket nose left open to expose the lead core in the hope of increasing effectiveness. Improvement was not pursued, for the Hague Convention of 1899 (not the Geneva Convention of 1925, which dealt largely with gas warfare) outlawed such bullets for warfare. Often "dum-dum" is misused as a term for any soft-nosed or hollow- pointed hunting bullet.

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