

文献索引: 第六章 硅谷枪声

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·    瓦斯帕 --白种人盎格鲁-撒克逊新教徒(White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, WASP)。此群体拥有庞大的经济、政治势力,构成美国上流社会和中上阶层的绝大部分。尽管美国社会日益多元化,但他们的文化、道德观和价值取向仍在很大程度上影响着美国的发展。参见 Wikipedia“White Anglo-Saxon Protestant”(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Anglo-Saxon_Protestant)。中文参见维基百科《白人盎格鲁-撒克逊新教徒》 (http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%99%BD%E4%BA%BA%E7%9B%8E%E6%A0%BC%E9%AD%AF-%E6%92%92%E5%85%8B%E9%81%9C%E6%96%B0%E6%95%99%E5%BE%92),以及华尔街日报文章(大公网) 《美国人对当代精英政治的反思》(http://news.takungpao.com.hk/world/roll/2014-01/2152784_3.html)。 
·    Heads I win, tails you lose  -- 英语俚语,原指掷钱币打赌, 正面我赢,反面你输无论怎样吃亏的总是你。
·    美国80%-90%积极管理的共同基金 (Actively Managed Mutual Funds) 的表现不如标普500 指数 – 这是一个被广泛引用的统计,参见比如《时代》杂志2014年9月18日文章“指数基金的胜利“ (“The Triumph of Index Funds,”Times,Sept 18, 2014 http://time.com/3397072/index-funds/)。
·    犹如东风吹马耳 – 李白《答王十二寒夜独酌有怀》: “……吟诗作赋北窗里,万言不值一杯水,世人闻之皆掉头,犹如东风射马耳。……”。 
·    天作孽,尤可违,自作孽, 不可活 --《尚书·太甲中》:天作孽,犹可违。自作孽,不可逭。《孟子·公孙丑》:天作孽,犹可违。自作孽,不可活。
·    分开八片顶阳骨, 倾下半桶冰雪水 – 见《水浒传》和《西游记》。
·    人人都知道摩尔定律,知道英特尔创始的三剑客诺伊斯、摩尔和格罗夫。但几乎没人会把当时起了决定性作用的投资者洛克和那三位创始人相提并论 – 参见Wiki 词条 “Intel”( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel): “Intel was founded in Mountain View, California in 1968 by Gordon E. Moore (of "Moore's Law" fame), a chemist, and Robert Noyce, a physicist and co-inventor of the integrated circuit. Arthur Rock (investor and venture capitalist) helped them find investors, while Max Palevsky was on the board from an early stage.[17] Moore and Noyce had left Fairchild Semiconductor to found Intel. Rock was not an employee, but he was an investor and was chairman of the board.[18][19] The total initial investment in Intel was $2.5 million convertible debentures and $10,000 from Rock.”和《大英百科全书 (Encyclopedia Britannica)》词条 “Intel Corporation”(http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/289747/Intel-Corporation): “Immediately after founding Intel, Noyce and Moore recruited other Fairchild employees, including Hungarian-born American businessman Andrew Grove. Noyce, Moore, and Grove served as chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) in succession during the first three decades of the company’s history.”。
·    他真想打开他珍藏的纳帕的Bond Pluribus Cabernet Sauvignon葡萄酒 – 出自加州纳帕邦德酒庄 (Bond Estates), 由私人收藏者销售 (Sold by Private Collectors)。
·    猪羊走入屠宰家,一脚脚来寻死路 – 原文“猪羊走屠宰之家,一脚脚来寻死路“ 出自昆剧《十五贯》,其母本为宋代话本小说《错斩崔宁》,作者不祥。收入《 京本通俗小说》,《醒世恒言》也载录,题名《十五贯戏言成巧祸》。
·    拉弗雷 (La Foret) – 加州圣荷塞的阿尔马登县立公园 (Almaden Quicksilver County Park) 里确实有那么一家高级法国餐馆。但他们不供应早餐。当然作者有张冠李戴移花接木指鹿为马之能。

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