最近一段时间,马里兰州蒙哥马利郡关于天才班(gifted program)教育的改革议案在华人家长中引起了轩然大波。其改革的主要方向是放弃现有的不分种族背景的选拔标准,而要把种族背景加进去,使班里的人数与种族的人口数相匹配。蒙郡的教育官员表示,现行的选拔标准是公平equality,但是不公正equity。只有班里的人数与种族的人口数相配了,才是equity,才算达到了他们心目中的公正。
the quality of being fair or impartial; fairness; impartiality. something that is fair and just.
fairness or justice in the way people are treated。
这个太长,就不全copy过来了。好吧,这里面倒是专门提到了racial equity in education, 看看是怎么说的。
“From a scientific point of view, the human species is a single species. It is therefore misleading to use divisive terms such as races and racial groups. Nevertheless, the term racial group is enshrined in legislation, and phrases such as race equality and race relations are in widespread official use. Racial equity in education means the assignment of students to public schools and within schools without regard to their race. This includes providing students with a full opportunity for participation in all educational programs regardless of their race.”
蒙郡的教育官员是否真的愚蠢到认识不到这一点?显然不是的。任何不正当的行为,都要给自己找一个冠冕堂皇的理由。荒谬的提案,披上一个正义的外壳,立马就显得理直气壮起来,就具有了迷惑性。不是吗,已经有人表示,反对equity。 蒙郡的教育局这种偷换概念,挂羊头,卖狗肉的做法确实很有欺骗性。
所以,我们不反对equity, 我们反对的是打着equity的幌子,而做against equity的事情。