美国华人精英组织百人会于2016年2月18日给Danny Chun法官就梁警官案件去信。全文如下。关于百人会成员背景,请看wikipedia。
February 18, 2016
The Honorable Judge Danny Chun
Supreme Court of the State of New York
County of Kings
320 Jay Street, 19th Floor
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Re: People v. Peter Liang
Indictment No. 9988/2014
Dear Judge Chun:
The Committee of 100 (“C-100”) is an organization of distinguished Chinese American leaders in the fields of business, law, academia, government, the arts, and sciences. As a non-profit, non-partisan organization committed to the full inclusion of Chinese Americans in the U.S., C-100 has been at the forefront for 25 years in promoting due process and equal protection for Chinese Americans and all Asian Americans.
On behalf of C-100, I write regarding the case of People v. Peter Liang. Like most Americans, our members lament and deplore the killing of African Americans without justification. The loss of black lives at the hands of police officers is a complex societal issue that urgently needs to be addressed by all who care about our ideals.
The Committee of 100 supports appropriate and fair prosecution of these matters. We regretfully note the general lack of accountability in such killings prior to this case. C-100 promotes the full participation of Chinese and Asian Americans in every aspect of American life, including law enforcement. There has never been an Asian American law enforcement officer in the news such as this, and how he is treated will signal to Asian Americans and others whether we are equal members of our society.
The evidence in People vs. Peter Liang suggests the situation was an unintentional event involving a frightened rookie policeman who may not have been fully trained nor adequately supported. As importantly, Peter Liang does not appear to be a danger to society. We respectfully ask for leniency in this upcoming sentencing. We trust that you will decide on a fair and just outcome commensurate with the applicable law and the circumstances of this case.
All Americans should feel that justice has been served. Thank you for your attention.
Herman Li
Acting Chairman
《美国华人》(ChineseAmerican.org) :一个立场中立的互联网新媒体。
幸好我警惕性高, 在动手前用表测了一下, 发现没有断电. 我立刻奔到办公室, 向经理和二个主任作了汇报, 并敦促他们立即调查 (公司也有规定, 一但出现事故或意外主管要立即调查).
但他们就是不调查. 后来我向公司总部人事部报告, 要求调查, 其实我只要他回答一个问题: “你为什么拿掉开关外罩后, 不把失压脱扣器也拿出来, 而要叫我来拿. 事实是只有你一个人知道这开关上有480 伏电压?” 公司总部人事部开始答应我给我调查, 过了一年多一点我突然被解雇了, 说来我还是这个公司的初始员工, 在这公司已工作了5年了. 我当时不愿离开, 要他们给我一个理由. 他们就叫了警察, 强行将我带离公司. 后来人家告诉我案件发生一年后一般案件法院不受理, 只有谋杀案才无限期受理.
于是我报告了警察局, 警长说制造企业中发生的案件由联邦劳工部的职业健康和安全委员会管, 包括前述的工作在电器开关上要断开前级开关以切断电源并上锁的法规, 也是由这个委员会制定并负责实施, 只有当这个委员会确认有谋杀嫌疑, 警察才会处理. 于是我报告了联邦劳工部的职业健康和安全委员会驻芝加哥地区办事处, 办事处给这个公司发了一封信,
然后就告诉我这个公司重新对员工进行了一次安全培训, 这个案子结案了. 我说我是要求调查我的前上司有没有谋杀我的嫌疑, 不是进行安全培训, 其实每个员工进这个公司前都进行过安全培训并通过考试才能入取, 工作期间公司每三个月进行一次安全培训. 这个案件的本质不是不具备安全知识, 而是精心设计的谋杀. 委员会的官员说他们的责职是督促各企业贯彻实施安全法规, 不调查个别员工谋杀嫌疑, 这个案子已经结案, 不再重新立案.
最后我去了县State Attorney (性质有点像国内的检察院)。State Attorney 说任何刑事案件都要有警察的调查报告,否则不予受理。
我所有的努力都做了,但最后还是不了了之。我在公司勤勤恳恳干了5 年,差点没被谋害,还是被解雇了。那个上司谋杀我没成功却啥事也没有,连个问题都没人问他,这还有什么公平和公正。