
完人甚难——US CDC mixed up as well

(2020-02-11 17:26:15) 下一个


        人非圣贤,孰能无过。【元】刘祁《归潜志》卷十三:“士之立身如素丝然,慎不可使点污,少有点污,则不得为完人矣。” 【明】吕坤《呻吟语选·圣贤》:“为宇宙完人甚难;自初生以至属纩,彻头彻尾,无些子破绽,尤难。” 鲁迅《准风月谈》:“不过我们另外还有一种相反的脾气:首饰要‘足赤’,人物要‘完人’。”




        该名妇女于2月5日乘坐国务院航班从中国武汉撤离,飞往该基地。第二天,她开始出现症状,并被送至UC San Diego Health Center。另外三名出现症状的人也被送往该医院。


        当无测试结果反馈时,疾病预防控制中心的工作人员错误地向UC San Diego Health Center提供了测试结果为阴性的报告。这个错误导致4名患者在周日下午又被送回空军基地。


        在星期二的新闻发布会上,疾病预防控制中心首席副主任安妮·舒卡特(Anne Schuchat)博士说,Miramar患者的检测过程中有些“混淆”,她补充说患者在出现症状后可能只与有限的人有过接触。调查仍在进行。


Source tells CNN (from CNN's Elizabeth Cohen): Errors by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and a hospital in San Diego led to a woman with the novel coronavirus being sent back to Marine Corps Air Station Miramar instead of being sent to isolation at the hospital, according to a health official familiar with the situation.

The woman was among Americans in federal quarantine at the base. She flew to the base on February 5 on a State Department flight evacuating Americans from Wuhan, China. The next day she started experiencing symptoms of the novel coronavirus and was taken to UC San Diego Health Center. Three other people who were exhibiting symptoms were also transported to the hospital.

The hospital sent their specimens to a CDC lab in Atlanta for testing. According to the source, the specimens were incorrectly labeled upon arrival and so they were not tested. The CDC lab did not realize the specimens were from the four Miramar patients.

When no results were reported back, CDC staffers mistakenly gave UC San Diego Health Center the results of the four patients who tested negative. That mistake led to all four Miramar patients being transferred back to the base Sunday afternoon.

After they arrived back at the base, the mistake was discovered and the tests were run on the four Miramar patients. The results for the woman came back positive, and she was transported back to UC San Diego Health Center on Monday morning, where she remains in isolation. The woman has had a very mild illness, according to the source, with no fever and a slight cough. The other three patients tested negative.

A spokesperson for the hospital could not be immediately reached for comment. During a news conference on Tuesday, Dr. Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the CDC, said "there was a little bit of a mix-up there” around the testing for the Miramar patient. She added that the patient may have had limited contact with others when she developed symptoms, but the investigation is ongoing.

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