

(2023-04-26 12:29:48) 下一个













1. 无产阶级政党的领导。建立无产阶级专政需要有一个无产阶级政党的领导,这个政党要代表无产阶级的利益,统一无产阶级的力量,推动无产阶级专政向前发展。

2. 巩固无产阶级的领导地位。在无产阶级专政下,必须采取各种措施巩固无产阶级的领导地位,保证无产阶级的利益不受到损害。

3. 对敌斗争。无产阶级专政必须坚决打击反动派的活动,维护无产阶级专政的权威和地位。

4. 加强经济建设。无产阶级专政要通过加强经济建设,提高生产力水平,以满足人民群众的物质文化需要。

5. 发展文化教育事业。无产阶级专政要发展文化教育事业,提高人民群众的文化素质,培养无产阶级的革命觉悟和文化水平。




A brief overview of concepts related to "Communism"

A child mentioned encountering a situation in school where classmates were evaluating "Communist countries" and did not know how to respond. As a parent from a former Communist country, it is necessary to provide a simple overview of this understanding issue.

In fact, we only need to grasp a few core concepts to understand the larger background of the discussion. They are: materialism, Marxism, communism, and proletarian dictatorship.

Materialism is a philosophical idea that emphasizes that the material world is objectively existing, and human knowledge and thinking are determined by the material world. Or in other words, it believes that matter is the fundamental basis of the world, and spirit and consciousness are products of matter. The opposite of materialism is idealism, which believes that spirit or consciousness is the origin and matter is the product of spirit. Marxism belongs to the category of materialism, and if further subdivided, it belongs to historical materialism and dialectical materialism.

Marxism is a social theory based on the philosophical foundation of materialism, which is a social thought system created by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It includes the theory of historical materialism, dialectical materialism, surplus value theory, and the theory of stages of social development. Marxism studies the laws of social development and human history from a materialist perspective and advocates overthrowing capitalist society through proletarian revolution, establishing a socialist society, and ultimately achieving a communist society.

Communism is a social ideal that emphasizes the elimination of classes and private ownership, and the realization of a social system of human equality, freedom, and common prosperity.

Materialism is the philosophical foundation of Marxism, and Marxism is a social theory developed on the basis of materialism, while communism is the ultimate goal of Marxism. In the view of Marxism, materialism is the foundation of understanding the world, and only by deepening the understanding of the objective material world can a social system that conforms to objective laws be created. Communism is the social ideal of Marxism, which is a conclusion drawn after a deep analysis of history and society, and it believes that only by eliminating classes and private ownership can human freedom, equality, and common prosperity be achieved.

Marxism believes that capitalist society will inevitably be replaced by socialist society. The main features of socialist society are that public ownership of means of production is dominant, and planned economy, social fairness, and welfare are strengthened. The socialist system is a transitional stage to the communist system. The main feature of the communist system is the implementation of public ownership of means of production and distribution according to needs. In the communist system, the state and class are ultimately eliminated, and the socialist principle of "to each according to his contribution" also disappears, achieving absolute social fairness.

The political system of communism is proletarian dictatorship, which is based on public ownership of means of production. The working class controls the state power through its own political party to achieve the suppression and elimination of the bourgeoisie and its representatives, and ultimately achieve the goal of class elimination and the realization of communist society.

Under proletarian dictatorship, the social means of production are collectively owned and managed by all laboring people, and political power also belongs to the vast laboring people. At the same time, the proletarian party, as the ruling party, will take the lead in all aspects of social life to achieve the goal of communism.

"The guiding ideology of proletarian dictatorship" is the theory of political system and policies that the Marxist believes that the proletariat must adopt after seizing power. It is the fundamental principle of Marxism on proletarian revolution and socialist construction, and is an important theoretical basis for guiding the communist movement. This ideology holds that after the proletariat seizes power, it should establish a political system of proletarian dictatorship, and through a series of measures by the state towards society, consolidate the leadership position of the proletariat, in order to achieve the goal of eliminating exploitation, eradicating classes, and ultimately reaching communism.

The guiding ideology of proletarian dictatorship includes the following elements:

1. The leadership of the proletarian party. Establishing proletarian dictatorship requires the leadership of a proletarian party, which must represent the interests of the proletariat, unify the forces of the proletariat, and promote the development of proletarian dictatorship.

2. Consolidating the leadership position of the proletariat. Under proletarian dictatorship, various measures must be taken to consolidate the leadership position of the proletariat and ensure that the interests of the proletariat are not harmed.

3. Struggle against the enemy. Proletarian dictatorship must resolutely strike against the activities of reactionary forces, and maintain the authority and position of proletarian dictatorship.

4. Strengthening economic construction. Proletarian dictatorship must strengthen economic construction, improve productivity, and satisfy the material and cultural needs of the people.

5. Developing cultural and educational undertakings. Proletarian dictatorship must develop cultural and educational undertakings, improve the cultural quality of the people, and cultivate the revolutionary consciousness and cultural level of the proletariat.

In theory, the socialist and communist systems aim to achieve public ownership and distribution according to needs, eliminate class differences, and realize social egalitarianism. However, in the actual operation process, they have deviated from these theoretical goals to varying degrees, and problems such as political centralization, economic inefficiency, and corruption have emerged. This has also sparked controversy and reflection between Marxist theory and practice.

In summary, materialism, Marxism, and communism are inseparable concepts and constitute a complete theoretical system on philosophy, society, and politics. At the same time, the political system of communism is not unchanging, but develops and improves with changes in history and national conditions.

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