
有爱相伴的日子 20170412-16 又把床运动坏了

(2017-04-17 13:32:01) 下一个

12号,周三下午六点,我问他:“Supper together?"

Work playoff pool tonight, remember? 一个愉快的夜晚。

13号,周四下午他发来:“ Drive safe tonight. Snowing."

  You too baby.

周五早上,8:35am 他发来:“ Ideas for Vancouver - Spa for two on the Friday. Escape room for four on Sunday?

  Sounds good.

July 14th, want to go see a rock concert?


周六晚上七点,他问:"How was your day? Surgery went well? Eye exam was good?"

  All went well. :-) Thanks. I will drive her for the follow up tomorrow morning.

Good to hear it.

  $3700 something.

Yeah you said. So how about you? What did they say?

  Would be the same. I have the second test on May 27. Will know how much it would be

So long to wait! I'm sure we'll figure it out.

  How is your weekend going?

On my way to C with my nephew right now. ... Going to be a late night, but it will be cool to go with professionals.

  Great, have fun! Talk to you later if you are driving.

No for once not driving.

   :-) Nice

Practicing mandarin and chatting with you

  Glad to hear that

What time will you be home tomorrow?

  After lunch I think

I'll likely be around 6

  Okay, what would you like to eat for supper?

Whatever you want baby


How about for dessert

  ;-) Sounds good. Wo xihuan ni

Wo yeshi

  Zhen bang

周日下午一点,他发来:“ I will bring supper, Turkey!"

  I was going to cook some fish.


我先去洗完澡,然后被他截在了卧室。。。然后去散步、回来吃火鸡,他还带了家里做的Cheese Cake,他姐姐打来电话,说周三我们一起吃饭。然后看Netflix、冰球运动员打高尔夫的搞笑片。然后看球赛,没等看完就准备休息了,再次运动了一番,床又坏了。。。

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