
有爱相伴的日子 20170306-12 他病了几天

(2017-03-13 12:10:08) 下一个

Mar 6 周一早上8:10,他短信说:Nice night, hope I didn't make you sick with my cold

  I enjoyed our night a lot. Kiss. Don't worry I will be okay.

周二下午我问他:"See you today or tomorrow?"

Tomoorow. Still fighting this cold anyways.

 Feeling better soon okay? Tomorrow you have things to work hard for.

I'll work hard to heal up. :-)

   :-) Kiss

周三早上7:31,他说:"Baby I'm really not great today. Called in sick and going to see the doctor. I won't be over tonight sorry.

  Come after see the doctor and rest home. Let me take after you when I come back.

Thanks for the offer but I don't want to make you sick. This is a serious cold I can hardly breathe.

  I won't get it I promise

You're so very beautiful baby. I'll ask the Dr how contagious he thinks I am ok?

  Ok baby. Kiss. Bring your stuff, you are not go to your roommate tonight.

  9:44am How are you feeling?

Like I hate doctors offices and the eternal wait times. How are you?

  I am good. Be patient baby. Kiss. Play your game on the phone

Patience is not something I am very good at. Believe it or not I feel too sick to concentrate on the game. Strange!

  Maybe you are having a fever?

I do.

  The worst feeling I know

Not the best. I am so cold all the time.

  Can I come to see you?

Maybe through a window. :-) Would be safest. See if he sends me home or to the hospital.


10:18am, Sending me for a chest Xray. To make sure its not pneumonia

  Okay, chest hurts?

Yeah it hurts to breate. Dr has orderd me to bedrest and go to hospital on Friday if not better



周日我练合唱回来已经十点多了,他自己在家等了我四个小时。回来看到他带来了Wii,已经连接好了,本来就晚了,我俩还玩了半天,骑牛赛跑那个他说我是个Crazy Cowgirl,低头猛跑,一路撞树,我笑得好开心,好久没有这样大笑了。


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