
20170105-08 In less than a day I'll see you again

(2017-01-09 15:00:38) 下一个

Jan 5 Thursday 4:23pm

I bought a case for my oil paints. My first painting is still not dry. I have a thumb print in my painting now. lol I also downloaded about 150 Bob Ross episodes.

  Nice. I don't believe you have got a thumb


  You already have two of mine. ;-)

Funny, glad to see you in a good mood


Jan 7 Sat 3:06pm

How's the weekend?

  Very good :-) How are you?

Good. Just thinking in less than a day I'll see you again. Can't wait

  Stop it!

Stop what? Just saying hi

  Made me toooo hot!!! ;-)

See you tomorrow. I'll make sure it gets much much hotter baby

  Can't wait. You are so bad

So bad



Jan 8 Sunday 2:06pm

Dabger danger. Can you bring your cart down?

手机没有在手边,没有看到他的信息,以为他三点左右到,忽然看到他潇洒地站在客厅门口,笑意盈盈地对我说: " Hi" ,"Hi”,我一边答应着一边扭过头去看表,才两点二十。手拉着手到卧室,他紧紧抱着我,说:"I missed you. I don't mind to say it." 我抬起头望着他蓝蓝的眼睛:"I missed you too baby." 细细密密亲吻了半天,我说,我们去把你的东西拿上来吧,于是推了小车下去,他买了好多画油画的颜料和工具,装了三个小文件箱,他说还缺调色板和白色颜料,问我想不想跟他再出去采购一趟。我们就出去,那些画画的东西好贵啊,一小管儿颜料两个调色板花了他一百五,估价那几箱东西得大几百出去了。路上他说,很高兴我们先出来买东西,就像是耐心地等好吃的东西做好,吃到的时候会更香。


爸爸妈妈包的猪肉韭菜饺子,我俩蘸着蒜泥醋,就着红酒,还有腌的洋姜,美美吃了个肚圆。偎在沙发里把上次开始的Guardians of Galaxy看完,早早就上床了,他又忙活我半天才心满意足地休息了。早上他先醒来,又把我亲个够。



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