
有爱相伴的日子 20170130 周一 Chat

(2017-01-31 11:03:19) 下一个

11:45am How was your party last night?

  It wasn't good. Very unorganized and slow. How was your evening yesterday?

Oh sorry to hear that. It was ok my room mate was hungry so by the time I got to work and drop stuff off I just went home. Was hoping to hit the gym even a little.

  The food wasn't good too. I was hoping spend time with you


Wd'll have to plan the weekend if I need to book things. Like a massage or float tank

  I like them both, maybe massage first?

We can do anything we want this weekend baby. Including paint

  Massage and paint. :-)

I like it. Try the new brushes

  :-) Will you be here next weekend Feb 11th?

I don't think so, why?

  If you are not here I will go to the performance

Ok, you go baby. Have fun

  For a senior home

Good for you.


It's nice to do volunteer work. Make people happy and you have such a beautiful voice

  Thanks baby

It's true. I love coming in and hearing you sing, it's very special

  Would you like to watch the movie La La Land? At the theatre?

Of course. Let's plan the weekend and then I can book things

  Massage, movie and paint

Ok and plenty of hot kisses. Kiss

  Of course baby. Kisses. The latest day for the movie is Thursday. Is the day ok?

Maybe we can go Wed night? I was hoping to have a more personal night Thursday involving things we may get kicked out of a theatre for

  ;-) Good thought


I'd like to go out to a Chinese restaurant and do the ordering this weekend. And see how I do



t see that this movie is downtown still. Might have to see it on the north side?

  Yes north side. I can meet you there

Perfect. We can get supper before or after together.

  Before would be better. What time are you able to be there

Ok, no Chiro on Wed so should be doable. Meet at Moxies at 5:30? Movie is 6:55

  Ok, the movie is 6:45 Cineplex North?

Yes sorry 6:45



Was on the treadmill for 25 minutes tonight. Small start but it was big for me

  Wow! Great job!



I miss running. Funny to say but its true


Well not nice. But someday

  I would like to run with you maybe this summer

That is a good goal

  I am starting self running training today

Good for you


Proud of you baby. Work hard and Wed we can enjoy a nice supper. :0

  Thanks baby! Sounds good


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