
有爱相伴的日子 20151211 计划NYE

(2015-12-11 14:32:03) 下一个

What days did you have off around Christmas? You told me sorry I forgot.

  Dec 24-27, 31-Jan 3 two of four days.

Ok, I've taken the 28 and 29 off thought there might be crossover there.

  I'm not clear about it. Are you saying we might meet on 28 / 29?

Maybe I can see if I can move it to the 28th and the 31st. If I did would you want to see if we can book a hotel for the 31st and see if we can get tickets wo something on nye? Not sure I can, but I could try.

  What is on nye?

New years eve.

  What kind of tickets?

Well we can book into a restaurant or bar for an event. There will be a hundred or more in the city but almost all sell tickets.

  If we go to an event on nye, why we book the hotel?

Might be nice to have a night uninterrupted together? No noise or disruption concerns. Can spend the day together, check in early, check out late. If you want we could just do supper then toast the new year private.

  I see. Sounds good.

Fixed. I have the 31st and 1st off.

  Nice. Sand Inn okay?

Either South or West end and we'll look for a restaurant or something to do closeby. Doesn't have to be close to work this time ;-) If you want we can stay one or two days your call. I'm happy to cover the room costs if you can book it. I can pick you up on the 31st and we can hang out until check in (and try to get an early one). We can do anything  - golf, bowling, painting. :-)

  I will book 31 & 1. Downtown okay?

Sure! As long as the costs aren't too crazy ;-)

 31 & 1 two noghts 253.3+12% tax, the last room booked.

Perfect. Where?

  The place we met the first time.

Nice! Likely lots to do downtown. Good job!

  We were painting there.

Yep I got it, going to see what the bar has going on that night. 7pm reservation. They are still getting the plans together so once tickets fo on sale (if required) they are supposed to call me.


Yes, I'm looking forward to it.

  Me too!

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