领导力----Her leadership by example: Tina is enthusiastic and engaged in EVERY class. It makes class discussion richer and class more fun for everyone
-Her initiative in creating a warm classroom environment: Tina came up with the idea to transform a casual conversation about music in our classroom stream into a Spotify playlist that can be played during our break. I love that no one even asked her to do this extra work; it was a good idea that she acted on and presented as a gift of time and sweat to me and her classmates.
I feel so lucky to be Tina's teacher and am grateful for what her parents have done to raise such a generous, fun, and self-motivated young woman!
二年级正是词汇、阅读的快速增长期, 为鼓励学生多读书, 老师们发给学生简单的读书卡, 上面需记录书名、作者、页码, 读完写几句中心思想、读后感, 交给老师便可得到贴纸等小奖品, 卡片上则会留下老师认真书写而且漂亮的"Good job!" 或 "Great job!" 每完成整数页(如100)Ms. Shin还会颁发奖状,而读完十本书还可以奖一本书。不知道是爱屋及乌还是就是爱读书, 女儿的读书报告卡在学年未塞满了整整两袋子, 读了一百多本, 而且很大部分是Magic school bus和Magic tree house这样文字为主的"厚"部头。
阅读量的飞跃自然有助于写作的提高, Ms. Shin每次看到好的都不吝赞美之辞, 一次写最喜欢的餐馆, 女儿就写道: 最喜欢的是我家呀, 妈妈主厨, 好吃还不用付帐!Ms. Shin的评语是: you are so lucky to have such a wonderful restaurant! 而在改编一篇农夫进城后车坏了回不了家的结局的短文里, 女儿写农夫叫了辆出租车, 鸡飞到车头、猪狗羊爬/钻进了车里, 最后奶牛进不去就跳上了车顶, 结果整个车被压成了pancake! Ms. Shin估计读着都笑死了, 仍不忘夸小朋友有想象力、描述得很生动。
Ms. Shin真是吝啬她的微笑和赞美, 女儿说她从未生气过。有次女儿和她开玩笑, 跑到她跟前说: Ms. Shin, I don't like you! 停了一小会, 补上 I love you! Ms. Shin 跟着女儿的话语愣了又笑了, "Tina, you scared me! 在学生报告里她说女儿has expression in her voice. 逢年过节收到学生和家长送的礼品卡, 她都郑重其事地写了感谢卡寄到家, 而不象很多老师用打印出来的感谢纸片。