

The girl on the bicycle

(2016-01-24 12:36:59) 下一个

    2009 年, 应学校要求,父母亲最好写一篇文章,关于子女成长过程中最令人印象深刻的事件,对她的大学申请有帮助,于是我就用英文写下了我的首篇文章<<单车上的小女孩>>
                          The girl on the bicycle
    In 1998, we had a tour to visit a small island called Mackinac Island in North Michigan. 

    All vehicles were prohibited. Only bicycles were allowed on the road. It was a very beautiful island and needed about 2-3 hours by riding on bicycle to see all view around the island .There were three kinds of bicycles for rent (for person ride on----it was the normal bicycle we see them everywhere, the other two which were special designed for two people or three people in one-----the people sit on back didn’t have to know how to ride a bicycle. The only thing they had to do was following the front pedals up and down with same rhythms).
    There were too many people waiting in the line, we had 7 people in our family (Jessica, I, Jessica’s dad, and Jessica’s grant parents). At that time, Jessica was only 6 years old; she just threw her two small supporting wheels away from her baby bicycle one month ago. We were planning to get one double seats for Jessica’s grant parents, and one triple seats for our three people (my husband would be our rider, I would sit in the middle and Jessica would sit on the back). 
    Unfortunately, the last triple seats bicycle was run out just before our turn. We had no choice but to get two double seats for two adult couple and one single seat for my daughter. It was smallest size but still much bigger than her baby bike at home which she just learnt it not long ago.
    We asked her first, “are you OK for riding on this”? If she answered “NO”, we would change our plan and go see the view by walking instead of by bicycles. The answer was “Yes”.
    But when she was just on the bike and started, she lost balance and fell.  Some blood on her knee and hands, she got up and back on the bike quickly, didn’t cry but some tear in her eyes, continued moving on.

    She tried hard to follow us and some time even passed us to be the group leader as we pretended to ride slowly! When we got up one top of the hills and suddenly no see her due to the curve road, we started worry about her and stopped to wait for her. I thought she might walk up and push her bike, about 15 minutes later, she showed up nearer and nearer with pretty red face and wet hair! This time my eyes filled up with tears...!

    We had so much fun on this trip, after that time, I suddenly realized my daughter was not baby any more. She is brave and can overcome any difficulties.


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