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10-Week Plan to Reach 30 Pull-Ups

Weekly Breakdown:

  • GTG Method: 3-4 days per week
  • Strength/Endurance Sessions: 1-2 days per week
  • Rest Days: 1-2 days per week

1. Grease the Groove (3-4 Days Per Week)

GTG Frequency:

  • Perform 5 sets of pull-ups throughout the day at submaximal effort (8-12 reps).
  • Rest 2-3 hours between sets.

Sample GTG Day:

  • Morning (8 AM): 1 set of 10 pull-ups
  • Mid-morning (11 AM): 1 set of 8 pull-ups
  • Lunch (1 PM): 1 set of 9 pull-ups
  • Afternoon (4 PM): 1 set of 10 pull-ups
  • Evening (7 PM): 1 set of 8 pull-ups

2. Structured Strength/Endurance Sessions (1-2 Days Per Week)

Day 1: Volume & Max Effort

  • Max Set: 1 set to failure (aim to push slightly beyond your current max).
  • Back-off Sets: 3 sets (e.g., 12, 10, 8 reps) with 2 minutes rest between.
  • Assisted Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows: 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Day 2: Endurance Focus

  • Pyramid Set: 1-2 sets starting with 1 pull-up and increasing by 1 each time until you reach a comfortable rep (e.g., max out at 8-10) then reverse.
  • Scapular Pull-Ups: 3 sets of 6-8 reps.
  • Core Work: Planks or hanging leg raises (3 sets of 10-15 reps).

Weekly Structure Example:

Week 1-10 Plan:

  • Monday: GTG Day
  • Tuesday: Volume & Max Effort Day
  • Wednesday: GTG Day
  • Thursday: Rest Day or light cardio
  • Friday: Endurance Focus Day
  • Saturday: GTG Day
  • Sunday: Rest Day


  • Weeks 1-3: Focus on maintaining the current rep range for GTG sets and back-off sets. Get comfortable with the volume.
  • Weeks 4-6: Gradually increase the rep count for your GTG sets (e.g., add 1-2 reps per set). For the max effort day, aim to increase your max by 1-2 reps.
  • Weeks 7-10: Continue to increase your GTG sets and aim for 1-2 additional reps in your max effort set. Begin to test your max every two weeks.

Additional Tips:

  • Recovery: Ensure you take rest days seriously; they are essential for muscle recovery and growth.
  • Nutrition: Focus on a balanced diet with enough protein to support muscle repair.
  • Form: Always prioritize good form over quantity to prevent injury.

Expected Timeline:

By following this plan, you can realistically aim to reach 30 pull-ups by the end of the year. This method emphasizes gradual progression and sustainable growth, making it easier to maintain motivation and avoid burnout.


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