
对网友 “加国银行TD, 跌幅不小。”的观点的一点思考20181123

(2018-11-23 03:58:28) 下一个

昨天有网友说 “加国银行TD, 跌幅不小。”




简单的理解网友指的是从今年的最高点到目前的价位的下跌幅度,52W 高位80.05,目前71.04,向下波动幅度-11.5%,美金价格计算是-13.5%,从个股看,这样的波动幅度应该还是在正常范围之内。


HD下跌-21.4% ,JPM下跌-10%,WFC下跌-21%,AMZN下跌-27%,APPL下跌-24%,FB下跌-38%。






2018   45.19%

2017   45.75%

2016   45.87%

2015   48.77%

2014   83.83%

2013   45.94%

2012   114.78%

2011   18.41%

2010   23.85%

2009   12.11%

2008  -23.53%

2007   48.62%

2006   70.54%

2005   97.67%

2004   33.95%

2003   11.57%

2002  -7.74%

2001   59.70%

2000   58.40%

1999   121.39%

1998    102.10%,


We've really made the money out of high quality businesses. In some cases, we bought the whole business. And in some cases, we just bought a big block of stock. But when you analyze what happened, the big money's been made in the high quality businesses. And most of the other people who've made a lot of money have done so in high quality businesses. 

Over the long term, it's hard for a stock to earn a much better return than the business which underlies it earns. If the business earns 6% on capital over 40 years and you hold it for that 40 years, you're not going to make much different than a 6% return—even if you originally buy it at a huge discount. Conversely, if a business earns 18% on capital over 20 or 30 years, even if you pay an expensive looking price, you'll end up with a fine result. 
So the trick is getting into better businesses. And that involves all of these advantages of scale that you could consider momentum effects.  - 芒格



In October of 2009, Charlie Munger was interviewed on the BBC.

Here's what he 
had to say about Berkshire Hathaway's (BRKa) stock (it was down quite a bit at the time) and, more generally, the decline in common stocks.

So how much does Charlie worry when Berkshire's common stock declines?

"Zero. This is the third time that Warren and I have seen our holdings in Berkshire Hathaway go down, top tick to bottom tick, by 50%. I think it's in the nature of long term shareholding of the normal vicissitudes, in worldly outcomes, and in markets that the long-term holder has his quoted value of his stocks go down by say 50%. In fact, you can argue that if you're not willing to react with equanimity to a market price decline of 50% two or three times a century you're not fit to be a common shareholder, and you deserve the mediocre result you're going to get compared to the people who do have the temperament, who can be more philosophical about these market fluctuations."

In this BBC 
interview with Warren Buffett, also from back in 2009, here's what he had to say

about the nature of stock markets.

"The very liquidity of stock markets causes people to focus on price action. If you buy an apartment house, if you buy a farm, if you buy a McDonald's franchise you don't think about what it's going sell for tomorrow or next week, or next month, you think about how is this business going to do. But stocks with this huge liquidity suck people in and they turn what should be an advantage into a disadvantage."



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