

(2017-12-12 13:46:59) 下一个

“You don’t need to be a rocket scientist. Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with 130 IQ.”

“If you are in the investment business and have an IQ of 150, sell 30 points to someone else.”  - 巴菲特




- 赌遍全球

“本人从来不赌博。”-  赌遍全球                                            本人从来不炒股。”- 股市小书生


They bet big when they have the odds. And the rest of the time, they don't. It's just that simple.






原意将多少比例的财产放在股市之中,应该也是与性格相关的,老巴是99.999%, 我自己是200%。



“If you look at the typical stock on the New York Stock Exchange, its high will be, perhaps, for the last 12 months will be 150 percent of its low so they’re bobbing all over the place. All you have to do is sit there and wait until something is really attractive that you understand.”

“There’s almost nothing where the game is stacked more in your favor like the stock market”

“What happens is people start listening to everybody talk on television or whatever it may be or read the paper, and they take what is a fundamental advantage and turn it into a disadvantage. There’s no easier game than stocks. You have to be sure you don’t play it too often”

在我认真学习,理解,思考,掌握并实践了价值投资模式之后,我选择将自己所有的财富都放在股市投资 之中,因为

“There’s almost nothing where the game is stacked more in my favor like the stock market”

在去年年初的投资机遇中,实际投资地产基金的交易时间加起来也不超过一个小时,在那一个小时之后,每月有远高于加国家庭平均收入的现金流收入, 二年增值50% ,在此期间没有任何的交易操作需要。


如果有人想问 ”难道这一个小时的成功成果就能超过一个普通工薪族一辈子的劳作?“


 很多事情你只要努力付出了,没功劳也有苦劳,勤奋会有个基本的收益保障。但投资这行既残酷又简单的特征在于,从来不问你付出了多少,而只看你对不对。这种类别的工作,努力是第二位的,第一位是正确的价值观和方法论。否则,方向不对,越勤奋越坎坷,越痴迷越疯魔。-  水晶苍蝇拍


Nikola Tesla visited Henry Ford at his factory, which was having some kind of difficulty. Ford asked Tesla if he could help identify the problem area. Tesla walked up to a wall of boilerplate and made a small X in chalk on one of the plates. Ford was thrilled, and told him to send an invoice.

The bill arrived, for $10,000. Ford asked for a breakdown. Tesla sent another invoice, indicating a $1 charge for marking the wall with an X, and $9,999 for knowing where to put it.


 They bet big when they have the odds. And the rest of the time, they don't. It's just that simple.


“If you look at the typical stock on the New York Stock Exchange, its high will be, perhaps, for the last 12 months will be 150 percent of its low so they’re bobbing all over the place. All you have to do is sit there and wait until something is really attractive that you understand.”

“There’s almost nothing where the game is stacked more in your favor like the stock market”

“What happens is people start listening to everybody talk on television or whatever it may be or read the paper, and they take what is a fundamental advantage and turn it into a disadvantage. There’s no easier game than stocks. You have to be sure you don’t play it too often”





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