
谈谈不迷糊兄的投资期望 二

(2017-06-04 13:28:17) 下一个

“If you’re an investor, you’re looking on what the asset is going to do;if you’re a speculator,
you’re commonly focusing on what the price of the object is going to do, and that’s not our game.”  - Warren Buffett


“Unless you can watch your stock holding decline by 50% without becoming panic-stricken,
you should not be in the stock market.”  - 巴菲特


"The very liquidity of stock markets causes people to focus on price action. If you buy an apartment house, if you buy a farm, if you buy a McDonald's franchise you don't think about what it's going sell for tomorrow or next week, or next month, you think about how is this business going to do. But stocks with this huge liquidity suck people in and they turn what should be an advantage into a disadvantage."  - 芒格 

芒格的话解释了股价短期大幅度波动的一个重要根源。 以TD为例, TD的ROE长期均值大约是在11-15%之间,如果TD的季度盈利出现10%的波动,那么对应的股价也可能有10%的波动,再加上投资者的短期情绪的影响(假设是10%),那么就可能短期出现20%以上幅度的股价波动,如果是在一年内有一个季度的利润多一些,一个季度的利润少一些,这一上一下的波动幅度就可以有30-50%。这里仅仅考虑了实际经营业绩的影响,还没有考虑到大大小小的各种消息的刺激。

TD52周的最低最高价是:54.20  -71.31,最高价比最低价多了 32%,如果加上红利, 就是34%左右,而在过去一年里TD并没有任何大的经营状况的波动。 TD在达到了一年最高价格后,下跌了13%。 TD的股价波动总的来说是属于比较小,绝大多数股票的短期价格波动幅度都会比TD更大。


Investing is not supposed to be easy. Anyone who finds it easy is stupid.” ---------- Charlie Munger

任何人如果认为股指投资是件简单的事,只能说明他对投资缺乏最基本的了解 。

At Berkshire we focus almost exclusively on the valuations of individual companies, looking only to a very limited extent at the valuation of the overall market. Even then, valuing the market has nothing to do with where it's going to go next week or next month or next year, a line of thought we never get into. The fact is that markets behave in ways, sometimes for a very long stretch, that are not linked to value. Sooner or later, though, value counts. - 巴菲特1999年公开演讲



"Measured against interest rates, stocks actually are on the cheap side compared to historic valuations."
Buffett told CNBC Feb, 2017

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