
M26 The willpower instinct

(2015-09-10 16:07:31) 下一个

这本书是开车的时候听完的。书的作者是: Kelly Mcgonigal.

Take home message:

1. Meditation esp breathing is very helpful in training willpower. It mentioned the pause and plan method, kind of similar to the STOP method introduced in the Training your resilliance lesson. Breathing is the hub for all your senses, by adjusting breathing people can have a better view of what is happening around them and make better choices.

2. Willpower and self-control has a budget, the more you spend on little and unimportant things, the less you have when it comes to big decisions and big challenges. Better do the important things in the morning. It is also wise to refill your energy by effective resting, either meditation, excercise or sleep.

3. Willpower and self-control are contagious. We should be able to distinguish the good role model for our willpower challenge. 与善人居,如入芝兰之室。It will always help if you can find a mentor or friends or family to support you through your challenge.

4. 常立志不如立长志。Many people get excited by setting ambitious goals, but do not have a solid action plan and easily get frustrated when they meet challenges and difficulties. So do not be too optimistic when you set a goal, and be forgivable when you have set backs. You should identify your crucial moments and creat your vital behaviors. Turn a bad day into a good data, as said by Al Switzler.

5. The future self. When people think of their future self, they make better choices. 

6. The power of changing "I won't“ to "I will". The power of training self-awareness and finding motivation in what you do everyday.  

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