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我们都知道含Vitamin C 的护肤产品对肌肤的保护和修复超级好。市面上有很多昂贵含Vitmamin C 的护肤产品,但这类产品通常有个共同的问题:其中的Vitamin C 成份很不稳定,容易氧化失效(这是Vitamin C 本身的问题)。如果你用过许多含Vitamin C 的护肤品,一定对我的话深有感触。这类产品用到后来都会变色(Vitamin C 已氧化失效的象征)。我知道许多护肤品的知识,完全可以自己配用,但很少这样做(新鲜的面膜除外),其中最重要的原因就是防腐的问题。因为用来配护肤品的材料都是营养极其丰富,如果不往里面加点防腐剂的话,配好的护肤品会很容易有大量繁殖的细菌,对皮肤是极其有害;加点防腐剂吧,又极难掌握其用量。因为用少了起不到防护的作用,用多了对肌肤是种伤害。所以除了这款精华素和一些现用的面膜外,我不会去配用其它护肤用品。
1/4 到 1/2 tea spoon Vitamin C powder(根据自己肤质摸索用量,从少量用起)
4 tea spoon pure water
2 tea spoon pure Aloe Vera Gel 
1 or 2 drops Vitamin E (选择)
配这款精华素的关键是Vitamin C powder 要先完完全全溶解在纯净水里再混合其他的成份摇匀。配好后,不用放冰箱,仅仅用一星期而已。
Vitamin C powder不是内服的那种,购买请参照这个品牌:www.amazon.com/Vitamin-L-ascorbic-powder-pure-1-8oz/dp/B005VEE5YM/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
维生素A护肤产品中的维生素A的份量可以说得上是微量,只能有0.02%-0.04%这么多,所以一定要买,不能自己配。Paula's Choice 里的Resist系列里面有些产品就是维生素A护肤产品,所以许多人用过它们后会觉得效果非常不错。
护肤之王其实是含维生素C的产品,但是就如我前面提到:维生素C一旦溶于水后就极不稳定,易氧化失效,所以现在我会自己来配。这类产品中的Vitamin C 的浓度要达到3%-10%才能有效,现在的研究证明最高可以达到17%-20%,在20%以后就对皮肤有刺激和不好的作用。其实每个人的肤质都不同,例如我自己就非常敏感,先生就好一些。所以我俩的配方里Vitamin C 的用量是不一样的。
才发现Paula's Choice里有一款维生素C产品(我这地区还没有卖),建议大家试试,价格非常合理。它的浓度是15%,算是接近最大的安全用量了。
过120美金的。最常用的叫 Skinceuticals CE Ferulic,用了它将近5年,每次用到后来都变色(氧化),所以就开始自己配了。这款产品里面的的有效成份就是Vitamin C,Vitamin E(微量,大概1%)和Ferulic Acid。其中Ferulic Acid 是用来稳定Vitamin C 的。Paula的产品其实就是仿 Skinceuticals CE Ferulic的产品,估计用到后来也会变色失效。
补充一下,发现Paula的Vitamin C 产品是20ml一瓶装的(而Skinceuticals CE Ferulic是30ml一瓶)。这比较聪明,但用到最后估计还是会变色氧化失效的。

Vitamin C 精华素效果到底怎样?可以说年过30,你还想要完美flawless skin的话,只能靠它了。贴一下Amazon的一位用户对Skinceuticals CE Ferulic的评价,这也是我想要说的话:

45 of 48 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars REFRIGERATE C E Ferulic!, 
February 25, 2011
Sander Lewis (Los Angeles, CA United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Skinceuticals CE Ferulic, 1-Ounce Bottle (Health and Beauty)
C E Ferulic's immediate effects will vary from person to person. Some people may experience immediate brightening, toning and improvement in their skin texture. Other's may not be able to tolerate it well and get inflammation. I recommend using it only once every two days if you're having issues with inflammation (it's what I do).

However, for EVERYBODY, this product will decelerate aging on the skin. It's so powerful and I look forward to 20 years from now when I look younger than all my friends. HAH!

There is one very important thing I do which no one else has mentioned on here. Since it takes me about a year to finish a bottle of C E Ferulic, I keep it refrigerated. When I order it, I make sure it is almost completely clear (if not then return it). Even after a year of being refigerated, it only turns light yellow. This means that the refrigeration is preventing oxidation of the product and allowing it to stay effective.

Supposedly, "yellow" product is still effective but I really think that the clearer the product is, the better. My dermatologist even recommended that I return a bottle to a vendor one time because he thought the product looked oxidized. When I received my replacement, it was crystal clear.


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