
拜登出生地,宾州小城Scranton 普通老百姓对本地电台今天新闻报道的反应。

(2020-11-07 17:10:44) 下一个

当地电视台报道拜登在出生地宾州Scranton 庆祝,群众留言,跟微博差不多

请问你们会报道拜登47年为这里做过什么好事吗Hey WNEP are you gonna do a heart warming story for what Joe Biden has done for his home town over the last 47 years ? I’m sure the people of Scranton would love that 

小偷。还没官宣He tried stealing the Presidency! It’s not official yet, Investigations are going on!

为什么他只在拉票的时候来?If that is his childhood home how come the only time he came around was for votes and he suckered you all in so now I hope you all keep your jobs and all that he promised you

本地不幸养出这么一个恶魔Scranton has produced some awful people!

他应该留在这里而不是去华盛顿If joe loved Scranton he'd live there

一个黑人说:他知道我们学校破产商店倒闭吗?如果他帮助我们,我们会为他死。他说黑人不投票就不是黑人。我告诉你,我投票给川普,但我仍是黑人Joey only visits Scranton during election time, Scranton is struggling financially schools are in trouble, steam town mall lost its stores , if Joey cared about us here in Scranton then why has he not tried to help ? Because he does not care about us , only our votes other wise we are dead to him . And by his words I am not black because I did not vote for him , well I am here to tell you I voted for trump and I am still black .

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