
Scholarship in top 50 university

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What Is a Full Ride Scholarship?

Getting a scholarship that would fully cover tuition costs is most students’ dream. It’s hard to believe that there’s something even better out there—the full ride scholarship. These scholarships are special because they cover not only tuition, but also other basic costs, like room, board, books, travel, and supplies.

For most private schools, that means that you are getting over $200,000 of expenses covered by these scholarships.

Unlike financial aid, which many schools offer to students based on what they and their families can afford to pay towards their educations, these scholarships are based on merit.

The idea is that these schools think certain students are special—so special that they want it to be a no-brainer that you’ll choose to attend their school. So they're going to try their hardest to make you want to partner with them for the next four years.


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What Kinds Of Schools Offer Full Tuition Scholarships?

As you’re looking through the list below, you may notice that you recognize some of the names. A lot of the schools on this list are very good schools, but apart from a few notable exceptions, you are not likely to see the top schools in the country giving out full ride scholarships.

Why is this?

Full ride scholarships are meant to lure in top, super-attractive students who have a lot of choices. It’s the school’s way of telling you that among the student population, you really stand out. These full ride scholarships are merit-based, meaning that in your grades, extra-curricular activities, and leaderships skills, you worked harder or achieved more than the average student.

At schools that have the highest levels of competition, full rides are extremely rare. Pretty much all the applicants to these schools are going to be high achievers across the board. Therefore, it gets a lot harder to pick out who the real stars are.


Where Should You Look for a Full Ride Scholarship?


If you’re hoping for a full ride, you may want to look at schools that are “safe” for your grades, test scores, and achievements outside of school. If you're scoring much higher than the average admitted student, you have a much better chance of having some scholarship money coming your way.

You may also want to consider colleges you have not heard of before. A lot of these schools offer top academic experiences, but don’t have the name recognition of other schools. They are trying to attract student superstars that will help raise their profiles.

Of course, even if you apply to the schools on this list, expect the competition to be fierce. Don’t bank everything on getting one of these scholarships—they are very tough to come by. Also consider going after other forms of college money, such as traditional need-based financial aid, as well as other independent merit-based scholarships.


Top 50 Schools That Offer Full Ride Scholarships

The following schools are ranked in the top 50 universities in the USA by US News. Consider this list the exception to the rule: these are the rare nationally top-ranked universities that offer merit-based scholarships in addition to the more standard financial need scholarships.



#3: University of Chicago (Chicago, Illinois)

Stamps Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship covers tuition and fees, room and board, and a $10,000 enrichment fund for students who demonstrate leadership, perseverance, scholarship, service, and innovation. 


#8: Duke University (Durham, North Carolina)

Robertson Scholars

This scholarship pays full tuition plus fees, room and board, and also gives funding for up to three domestic summer experiences. The award is given to students who show purposeful leadership, intellectual curiosity, strength of character, and collaborative spirit.


#13: California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, California)

Stamps Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship pays four years of tuition and fees, room and board, and an additional stipend for enrichment experiences.


#15: University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, Indiana)


Stamps Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship gives full tuition and fees plus $12,000 in enrichment funds. Winners are also given faculty and professional mentors. Students must be nominated by the admissions office. Selection is based on leadership, perseverance, scholarship, service, and innovation. A maximum of five are awarded each year.


University of Notre Dame


#15: Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee)

Ingram Scholarship

This scholarship gives full tuition and stipends for summer projects. Students are selected based on commitment to community service, strength of personal character, and leadership potential. The application deadline is January 1st.

Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship

This scholarship gives full tuition plus a one-time stipend to be used towards a summer study abroad or research experience. Selection is based on academic achievement, intellectual promise, leadership, and contributions outside the classroom.


#19: Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)

John B. Ervin’s Scholar Program

This scholarship gives full tuition plus a $2,500 annual stipend. Applicants should excel academically, challenge themselves, demonstrate initiative and leadership in their communities, bring diverse groups together, commit to community service, serve historically underprivileged populations, and/or persevere through challenging circumstances.

Anika Rodriguez Scholars Program

This scholarship gives full tuition and a $2,500 annual stipend. Awards are based on academic achievement (strong grades and SAT or ACT scores), a commitment to serving historically underprivileged populations, the ability to bring diverse people together, application answers and essay, and recommendations received as part of the admission application.

Danforth Scholars Program

This scholarship covers full tuition. Applicants must be nominated by someone with extensive knowledge of the student. Calls for nominations go out to high school guidance counselors every summer.

Stamps Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, room and board, and supplies, and also gives a $10,000 enrichment fund. Selection is based upon the applicant’s academic achievement, leadership, perseverance, scholarship, service and innovation.


#20: Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia)

Emory Scholars

This scholarship gives full tuition and enrichment stipends. It's only awarded to the top students at Emory. The application deadline is November 15th.


#23: University of Southern California (Los Angeles, California)

Mork Family Scholarship

This scholarship gives full tuition, plus a $5,000 stipend. Finalists are selected by USC faculty for interviews. The average SAT and ACT scores of recipients are in the top 1 to 2 percent of all students nationwide in addition to such things as academic achievement, talent, perseverance, innovation, involvement, and leadership. A maximum of ten scholarships are awarded each year. Finalists will be notified of scholarship award status by April 1st.

Stamps Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship gives full tuition, plus a $5,000 annual enrichment fund ($20,000 total). Candidates are selected by USC faculty for interviews. The average SAT and ACT scores of recipients are in the top 1 to 2 percent of all students nationwide in addition to such things as academic achievement, talent, perseverance, innovation, involvement, and leadership. A maximum of ten scholarships are awarded each year. Finalists will be notified of scholarship award status by April 1st.

Trustee Scholarship

This scholarship gives full tuition. The average SAT and ACT scores of recipients are in the top 1 to 2 percent of all students nationwide in addition to such things as academic achievement, talent, perseverance, innovation, involvement, and leadership. A maximum of 100 scholarships are awarded each year. Candidates are selected for interviews by February. Finalists will be notified of scholarship award status by April 1st.


#24: University of California, Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA)

Stamps Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship gives full tuition, plus an enrichment fund up to $12,000. You have to be nominated by the University for this scholarship based upon such qualities as leadership, scholarship, community service, innovation. A maximum of ten are awarded every year: five nationally, and five for California residents. Invitations to apply are e-mailed on February 1st; applications are due mid-February. 


#24: University of Virginia (Charlottesville, Virginia)

Jefferson Scholarship

This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, room and board, books, enrichment program and personal expenses. Students must be in the top 1-2% of their high school senior classes and must be nominated by an eligible school. A maximum of thirty-four scholarships are awarded each year.


#27: Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, North Carolina)

Nancy Susan Reynolds Scholarship

This scholarship gives full tuition and a stipend. Selection is based on scholarship, achievement and personal interviews. The application deadline is December 1st.

Stamps Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship gives full tuition and an enrichment stipend. Selection is based on educational achievements, academic motivation, maturity and character. A maximum of five scholarships are awarded each year.


#27: University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan)

Stamps Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship covers the full cost of attendance plus up to $10,000 in enrichment funds for about 18 students admitted through early action annually. Selection is based on academic achievement, exceptional talent, leadership, and service and community involvement.


#30: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, North Carolina)

Morehead-Cain Scholars

This scholarship covers full tuition, room and board, books, a laptop, and funding for research and summer opportunities. It is open to students from a designated nominating school. Current nominating schools are located all across the globe and can be found here.

Robertson Scholars

This scholarship gives full tuition plus fees, room and board, and funding for up to three domestic summer experiences. It is awarded to students who show purposeful leadership, intellectual curiosity, strength of character, and collaborative spirit.


#31: Boston College (Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts)

Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program

This scholarship pays full tuition and provides summer opportunities at Boston College to selected early action applicants. A maximum of 15 awards are given every year. Students must be invited in for interviews by a selection committee. The early action application deadline is November 1st, and students will be invited in for interviews in late January or early February.


#32: College of William and Mary (Williamsburg, VA) 

College of William and Mary Stamps 1693 Scholarship

Stamps 1693 scholars receive full in-state tuition, fees, room and board, and $5,000 for independent projects. (Out-of-state students are eligible, but must pay the difference between in-state and out-of-state costs). All applicants are considered for scholarships and will be contacted by the selection committee to submit additional materials if they are chosen as semifinalists.

William and Mary Scholars

William and Mary Scholars receive the full in-state tuition and fees. Scholarships are offered to academically strong applicants who have overcome adversity and/or would increase campus diversity. All applicants to the college are considered. 


#32: University of Rochester (Rochester, New York)

Renaissance & Global Scholarships

This scholarship guarantees full tuition and individual mentoring. Selection is based upon academic curiosity and excellence, social awareness and involvement. A maximum of 20 are awarded each year.


#34: Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, Georgia)

Stamps Presidents Scholars Program

This scholarship gives full tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, a laptop, and $15,000 enrichment funding. It is awarded to the top 1% of students at Georgia Tech who also have shown a dedication to leadership and service. To be considered, students must apply by the early application deadline of October 15th.


#39: Boston University (Boston, Massachusetts)

Trustee Scholarship

This scholarship awards full tuition plus fees. Students must have exceptional academic credentials and display intellectual and creative adventurousness.  The application deadline is December 1st. Students will complete the regular common application but submit an answer to one of the Trustee Scholarship prompts as their essay, as well as completing a small supplemental essay.


#39: Tulane University (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Dean’s Honor Scholarship

This scholarship gives full tuition. Selection is based on general achievements and a creative project. A maximum of 75 are awarded each year. The submission deadline is December 5th.

Paul Tulane Scholarship

This scholarship gives full tuition. Selection is based on general achievement and additional writing components. A maximum of 50 scholarships are awarded every year. The application deadline is December 5th.

Stamps Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship awards full cost of attendance and additional enrichment funding. Students must apply for the Dean’s Honor Scholarship or the Paul Tulane award and will be nominated from that pool of applicants. Selection is based on academics, leadership, perseverance, and innovation. A maximum of five scholarships are awarded every year.


#44: University of Illinois (Champaign, Illinois)

Stamps Leadership Foundation

This scholarship covers the total cost of attendance as well as an additional fund for enrichment activities. A maximum of five are awarded each year.


#44 University of Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin)

Chancellor's Scholarship Program

Chancellor's Scholars receive a full-tuition scholarship and a $400 book stipend every semester. They need to maintain a 3.0 GPA and full-time student status to remain eligible for the award through their college careers. Supplemental applications for this scholarship open in November and are due in February.


Extra Advice: Want to get into the best college you can? Read our famous guide on how to get into Harvard, the Ivy League, and your top choice college. In this guide, you'll learn:

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