前文说到湾区登山群人数众多,年龄体力参差不齐,每次活动有人觉得不过瘾,也有人觉得吃不消。于是有些队员开始单独行动,本月初一组小分队去了大烟山。从湾区到大烟山不那么轻松,第一天几乎全花在路上。本次小分队步调一致,都是先飞到丹佛,转机至Knoxville,入住机场附近Courtyard酒店。第二天取车开往盖林堡(Gatlinburg),进入大烟山国家公园(Great Smoky Mountains National Park)的首站,也是后来几天游玩的大本营。
负责订旅馆的MM把大本营选在Deer Ridge Mountain Resort,没看见鹿,倒是有几只黑熊常来觅食。离盖林堡十多分钟,四面环山,每天早晨看窗外云雾缭绕。厨房餐具齐全,早餐晚饭吃的营养丰富。午饭则在外找餐馆,或自带干粮。有时一天要走十英里山路,没时间坐下来慢慢吃喝。
Five Oaks Farm Kitchen,大多数人不戴口罩。
大烟山峰峦叠嶂、山路崎岖、瀑布溪水众多。著名的景点有Clingmans Dome,Charlies Bunion Trail (阿帕拉契山径的一段),Laurel Falls,Soco Falls,Rainbow Falls,Grotto Falls,还有Blue Ridge Parkway附近的Roaring Fork Creek Falls。
位于Cherokee印第安人保留地的Mingo Falls
Laurel Falls
Soco Falls
Clingmans Dome观景台
Clingmans Dome最高峰
Charlies Bunion Trail起点
Chimney Top Trail经过的小桥
在Cosby的Apple House买到一种苹果,汁多味甜crunchy,湾区这边不多见。
对! Rafting, zipline,Tubing 等小孩们特别喜欢!
Lake Rabun附近一连线穿梭在山间的六个湖,有点象”小三峡“吧。 没参加过Lake Rabun Fourth of July Celebration,有点象没去过大雾山吧? :)
还有,去大雾山,不去Nashville 的Gaylord Opryland Resort,不去听场Country Music的音乐会? 说不过去吧? :)
"Lake Rabun has a rich and unique Fourth of July celebration that is sponsored and coordinated by the Lake Rabun Association (LRA). Each year there is a wooden boat parade that follows the shore lines of the lake. Prizes are given to the most decorated boat and boat house. Another tradition is the Rabun Ramble Road Race, a 5K & 10K, that winds along the shores of the north side of the lake. The race is a marathon qualifier attracting both serious runners and families alike with over 800 participants each year. In the evening a spectacular fireworks display is given directly on the lake. Spectators watch the display from hundreds of boats crowded along the lower basin of the lake."