那么,申请论文Essay是什么类型的文章呢?英文Essay是属于creative nonfiction类别,就是创作性的非小说类作品。一般而言,Essay有四个基本特点:1、Voice(声音)。通常的Essay都是用第一人称,写出你的心声,不过仅仅写出自己的体验是不够的,而必须写出你独特的视角。2、Form(形式)。Essay的写作形式是介于小说和诗之间的。Essay需要将你的体验用故事的方式说出来,并且有诗一样的文字技巧和语言美。3、Drama(戏剧性)。Essay所描述的每一个故事都应该来自于真实的生活,同时还要让这种生活充满戏剧性,让读者好奇和产生共情。4、Truth(真实或真理)。一篇小说可以没有Truth 或Point,但一篇Essay必须有Truth or Point,即反映出你对生活的看法和你的价值观。
Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.
The Losing Cycle
June 19th of this summer I woke up with a 4am missed call on my phone from my best friend, Darian. I immediately texted her to see what was the matter. She texted me back,“Get on Facebook.”A little confused,I followed Darian’s directions and went to my Facebook homepage.“Rest in Peace, Scott Smith”status updates from all my Center High School friends filled my computer screen.My stomach dropped.I just kept thinking,“Not Scott. Darian’s Scott…”
A young gunman had mistaken Scott for another Center High School student and killed Scott. Everyone who knew Scott mourned this reckless loss of his promising life, but for Darian the pain of his death was especially acute. Scott and Darian had been each other’s best friend, confidant, and even secret crush. They had the best brand of friendship. So when Scott died, it was like he took a part of Darian’s soul with him. I watched helplessly as my best friend of ten years rapidly faded into a mere shadow of herself. I tried to console her, but her grief was too deep for me to be capable of comforting her. I hated seeing her so depressed. I hated even more that I lacked the power to make her happier: I could not bring Scott back.
With the second highest homicide rates in the nation, Kansas City has struggled with gun violence for as long as I can remember. While I have always hated this fact about my city, I never tried to do anything about it because it had not ever affected me personally. However, the empty look in Darian’s eyes after Scott passed away this summer woke me from my slumber of passivity. I did not want anyone to have to endure the type of pain she felt ever again. Gun violence, especially among youth, is far too preventable for there to be so many unexpectedly grieving loved ones in Kansas City today.
Soon after Scott’s death, I met with my city’s youth leadership board, EngageKC, of which I am a member. I told the other board members that I needed to see changes in Kansas City’s approach to preventing youth violence. We could start by restoring the confidence of youth in their education and creating more job opportunities for them. “Maybe,” I said to my fellow board members, “If kids are working on the essay that’s due tomorrow, or pulling a shift until nine at night, they will be less inclined to walk around carrying a gun.”
Early September, EngageKC presented to the Kansas City Mayor six recommendations of ways he could better prevent criminal behavior in youth. He responded to our suggestions with great approval. Hopefully, the city will soon be able to turn our recommendations into a plan of action that will significantly decrease youth violence. Darian may have lost Scott, and I may have partially lost Darian, but Kansas City can slow down this losing cycle.
Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate — and us — know you better. (100 to 250 words)
I consider myself to be mature and focused in my life; I have goals that I strive for and a strong commitment to my education. However, I do have my more humorous moments, just as everyone else. For instance, a few summers ago, my family and I were in Las vegas on vacation. The over-the-top looking-by-night, eyesore-by-day city was lighted everywhere, and masses of people were walking along the Las vegas Strip. One night, we went out to dinner and were walking back to our hotel. When we got to the entrance of the hotel, which had automatic sliding doors, there was a huge line waiting to get in, yet there were many other doors to its side unoccupied. So, naturally, I said aloud, "Why don't we just go through those doors," as I pointed towards the unoccupied doors. My family just waited patiently, but I decided to go by myself, so I did, and I walked straight into the EXIT door. I am not sure who was more injured, myself, or my sister who collapsed onto the foor in convulsive laughter. I still have not heard the end of this story, but at least now I can laugh at myself. Many times people get discouraged in their hectic and stress-flled lives, but sometimes you just need a dim-witted accident to occur to put everything in perspective.
“My stomach dropped”。。。。。
美國人的英語, 哈哈