
金笔 (热门博主)
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儿子的一篇 GAMING 短文

(2006-12-04 21:12:09) 下一个

儿子小的时候很愚顽,远没有他的妹妹那么聪明伶俐。但他跟别的男孩子比,也有一个明显的不同之处。当他上学念书,可以读了,带他去 Toy's R Us 拣玩具,每次他挑选玩具时,总是仔仔细细的读玩具正反两面的使用说明部分。我们观察过,大多数的男孩子都只看玩具的正面,从不读反面的小字。家里没有人教过他这样做,不知道他是从哪里学来的。

大概他玩具使用说明书看得够多了,这次他在他的校报上发表了一篇短文,也是写 Game 的,金笔觉得不错,那来这里献丑,盼望个位高手多多指教。

Metal Gear Solid 3:Subsistence Stealth and Espionage at Its Best

By 金笔生 (son)

The Metal Gear Solid series of Konami has always set a standard of quality for console gaming. Now, with their final release on the PS2, Metal Gear Solid 3:Subsistence allows players to compete against each other online and prove their espionage skills. Fans of this series will appreciate the return of many characters and voice actors while new players have the option of playing the remakes of Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 2 that come with the game. Metal Gear Solid 3 online comes with a variety of different modes, including Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Sneaking Missions, Capture Missions, and Rescue Missions. Metal Gear Solid 3 Online does have its glitches, but what online game doesn't?
The game features a stamina bar which, the more you run around the more stamina you use up. This makes sense so you need to hunt wild life and eat it. You can now cure your body using bandages, cigars (whatever to get rid of leaches), fix broken bones, dig out bullets, and fix cuts. As always, the controls of the game are impressively realistic by being pressure sensitive, making it harder and more practical to sneak around. Although the newly innovated 3D camera takes some time to get used to, it doesn’t do any harm to the game. The graphics in this game are amazing; the character models are highly detailed to provide a better look at old characters. But, as expected, the enemies lack variety. My favorite addition to the series are the new camouflages like face paint and hats such as a crocodile head hat to hide in swamps and get past guards.
Music is unchanged from the old games. The musical score is just as powerful as it was before, and the sound effects are very well done. I especially like being able to choose either no background music or some background music online. You can choose music from the old versions of Metal Gear and also from any of the Metal Gear Solid games. The sound is still featured in Dolby Pro Logic II. This is a great action game that has an addicting game engine and story line that allows new players to assimilate into this great series.

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