2015 (708)
2016 (1154)
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2018 (352)
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五年大学,学位证书 印的是 MB BChir。不懂拉丁文的老妈,问到:”怎么就弄了一把椅子?什么世界前3,前5, 椅子这个单词都印错了。人家老吴家孩子西太平洋大学毕业证上,一个错字没有,比你这个气派多了”。为了纠正错误, 上网一查,顿时乐了,”这把椅子还真的不错,以后再弄一把,凑成一对儿”。
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, or in Latin: Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae (abbreviated in many ways, e.g. MBBS, MBChB, MBBCh, MB BChir (Cantab), BM BCh (Oxon), BMBS), are the two first professional degrees in medicine and surgery awarded upon graduation from medical school by universities in countries that follow the tradition of the United Kingdom. The historical degree nomenclature suggests that they are two separate undergraduate degrees; however, in practice, they are usually treated as one and conferred together, and may also be awarded at graduate-level medical schools. In countries that follow the system in the United States, the equivalent medical degree is awarded as Doctor of Medicine (MD).
中文译成【内外全科医学士】。同样的学位,人家美国直接称: 美帝(MD),多气派?
幸亏这把椅子搬的早,以后不好搬了。2016一个中国来的没有。“牛津只录了五个international medics”。
那河畔的金柳 是夕阳中的新娘 波光里的滟影 在我心头荡漾 软泥上的青荇 油油的在水底招摇 在康河的柔波里 我甘心做一条水草 那榆荫下的一潭 不是清泉是天上的虹 揉碎在浮藻间 沈淀彩虹似的梦 寻梦撑一支长篙 向青草更青处漫溯 满载一船星辉 在星辉斑烂里放歌 但我不能放歌 悄悄是别离的笙萧 夏虫也为我沉默 沉默是今晚的康桥 悄悄的我走了 正如我悄悄的来 我挥一挥衣袖 不带走一片云彩