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yuntai (热门博主)
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(2015-02-24 05:43:27) 下一个


Image result for Jackie Evancho's Best


 《十面埋伏》(House of Flying Daggers) 是由张艺谋执导的他的第二部武侠片,2004年拍摄完成并于中港及美国发行。美国版的片中主题歌《恋人》(Lovers)由梅林茂(Shigeru Umebayash)作曲,美国著名轻歌剧抒情女高音凯瑟琳迪安娜巴特尔(Kathleen Deanna Battle)演唱,是一首委婉凄美的爱情歌曲。

几年前,美国零零后古典跨界小歌手Jackie Evancho也翻唱了这首歌,并收入她发行的第二张Full length专辑《Dream with Me(“与我同梦“)。该专辑由获得过47项提名,最终赢得16项格莱美奖的著名音乐人David Foster制作,曾获得Billboard 200 Chart 排行榜第二,Billboards US Classical Chart排行榜第一。以下是Jackie Evancho 演唱这首歌的视频,选自她为推介该专辑而举办的一次演出活动,David Foster亲自为她作钢琴伴奏。

之所以想起推荐这首歌,缘于近日听一位同事向我提起,十多年前她曾应聘远赴乌克兰,在该片的剧组工作过一段时间,与张艺谋,章子怡,刘德华,金城武朝夕相处,刘德华还曾夸她的中文讲得很好。正巧在网上看到Jackie Evancho演唱该曲的视频,听了觉得很好,又请我这位同事听了,她也觉得非常好听,特此推荐给大家。相信大家也会喜欢的。



There was a field in my old town
Where we always played hand in hand
The wind was gently touching the grass
We were so young, so fearless.

Then I dreamt o'er and over,
Of you holding me tight under the stars
I made a promise to my dear lord,
I will love you forever

Time has passed
So much has changed
But the field remains in my heart
Oh, where are you?
I need to tell you I still love you
So I reach out for you,
You fly around me like a butterfly.
Your voice still echoes in my heart,
You are my true love.

There was a field in my old town,
Where in spring all flowers blossomed wide.
We were chasing butterflies
Hand in hand till close of day.
Your voice still echoes in my heart


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