
Girl Scout Cookies

(2014-02-18 13:40:52) 下一个

Although I've bought Girl Scout cookies to support colleagues or neighborhood kids in the past, as the mom of a first year daisy girl scout, I have absolutely no clue on cookie selling.  Thanks to our wonderful troop leader, the little ones (and moms) in our troop had a great start by selling the cookies in her store---I found out that it's very hard for those customers to say "no" when they were asked "are your interested in some girl scout cookies?" by the sweet little girls.

   Inspired by the handsome 68-box record from the first cookie sale, I ordered 70 boxes of them, with a plan of selling them at my little girl’s Saturday school. Turns out, I only sold 16 boxes in the whole morning... I guess people were too busy picking up and dropping off their kids to care about cookies, but most importantly, my little girl was attending classes and was not with me, how can a mid-age mom attract as much attention as a cute 6-year girl does :)

   Although our super nice cookie sale lead mom told me that other girl scouts can help to sell if I've over-ordered, I did start to worry about the small mountain of cookies that were still on my dinning table. The idea stroke me when my little girl asked to go out for a walk on Sunday---why don't we bring a bag of cookies with us and see if any neighbors are interested?

   What my little girl said over and over again that afternoon were "that lady was so nice" "that person was so sweet"....among the 12 neighbors that we asked, 8 of them bought and we sold 12 boxes in just an hour!!! And even better it was such a great opportunity to reconnect with our neighbors, we found out that one boy who's always interested in acting got admitted to NYU and will major in performing; we also discovered a 13-year old boy who almost looks exactly like Harry Porter and is very polite and mature,  that I'm sure that he can be the president of the student council if he's interested....After buying two boxes of cookies, one neighbor even gave my little girl an African instrument that is carved from a gourd, .

   Cookie selling was a little scary to me but that's not the case anymore. Just as my husband said, while you are giving (raising fund for Girl Scout), you are also gaining so much out of it. I registered my little one for Girl Scout for her to learn different skills, but now I just feel that this is a great learning experience to me as well. Really want to say "Thank You" to all the kids and moms in our troop, and all of those supportive friends and neighbors, you all have made cookie selling so rewarding.

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