
D is for Dictionary: Introduction

(2019-12-15 11:32:48) 下一个

The rain came early this year and had wet most Thanksgiving long weekend. 
Outside it was cold and miserable. Indoors, however, I was elated           
to find a new project: to read the 2000+ pages of the fourth edition of The    
American Heritage Dictionary. I have switched to apps and online dictionaries
for many years only to make this discovery. It made me wonder: if I had been forced  
to only use this dictionary, would the revelation still come? Is that the Tao again?                                                                                   

The hefty volume acquired a long time ago (It must be older than Tim.) has never       
failed to kindle a fire in me anytime I allowed myself to stare at it for a short while.  
        "Have you ever stood and stared at it, and
         marvelled at its beauty, its genius?
" (The Matrix)                                                  

Think about it. The entire human experience from one amalgamated civilization
is encoded in it. It is unlikely that there is not a word for anything my senses             
tell me, be it an item, an animal, a particular thought, a special sentiment,                 
etc. It is a goldmine and I have to own it.                                                                  

I made a few similar attempts in the past and failed due to lack of either
discipline or a practicing mindset. Looking up a word this morning, I was                   
struck by the idea that it would not be different from my 30min morning exercise       
routine. If I could do yoga and weight-lifting daily, why not try to attack the               
dictionary the same way?                                                                                     

If I cover two pages a day, it'll take roughly 1037 (assuming 2074 pages) days.           
So I will be able to finish in about two years and 10 months. A more relaxed               
and meaningful finish-line would be July 2023, around my 50th birthday.                                      

After that, what is going to happen? I don't know exactly but I expect wonderful
things. An inner triumph that boosts confidence and a keener sense of language
that allows better expression and appreciation would be well worth it, not to
mention doors leading to discoveries. Doors I don't know existing. Rarely I will
get stumped when I read. But when I look up a word, it will be more likely a   
reunion where we don't have to break the ice.                                                                

But what about just setting up an example for Tim? I don't need to say anything.        
I'll just read some everyday in front of him. 不言之教, so to speak. If I ask him
to stay away from the screen, at least I should show that I could do it.                              

As if taking a cue, the very next day, the Menlo Park library Home page showed         
the "Reading the OED: One Man, One Year, 21,730 pages." by Ammon Shea and I
pounced on it. The guy spent an entire year sitting on his ass going through 10          
times the size I was planning. What an inspiration! Among the words he found              
interesting, I recognized only "iatrogenics" which I learnt from Taleb.

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7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 回复 '暖冬cool夏' 的评论 : Thank you, 暖冬, for reading and sharing your experience with similar ambitions. I will keep reminding myself in this project: I'm not meeting an endurance challenge but only practicing a ritual, everyday.
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 Two pages a day may not sound very much, but 2000 pages and 3 years are very daunting. I am not a dictionary person. I was once inspired by a friend, who recites one traditional poem per day, and I wanted to emulate by reading a well-known English speech , but I could not stick to it at all. But it is always good to get started!