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Free MIT online courses - a new way to learn

(2013-07-31 18:35:49) 下一个
Heard of this site on Colbert report. This is an online school that is FREE. Yes you heard me, it is free. And look at the courses that they provide:

Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation
Age of Globalization
Introduction to Aerodynamics
The impact of Drug development
Unlocking the immunity to change: a new approach to personal improvement
Introduction to biology - the secret of life
Solar energy

These are not your everyday subjects, these are real studies & you need some form of education in order to understand the courses. And look at who is the president: Anant Agawal, who is a worldwide online learning initiative of MIT and Harvard University and a professor in MIT EECS department. He as well served as the director of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). Just by all the titles, you know he is not an average Joe. 

I will be checking out some of the subjects that interest me & come back for a review.

Here's the link: https://www.edx.org/

Hope you can find it useful!

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