六月的骄阳 - 我心热烈依旧


神器(2) - 美容去痘除斑生发,想长头发的要试一试了

(2013-11-14 20:51:43) 下一个





What is High Frequency?

Direct high frequency increases activity in the skin's basal layer, refines skin texture and gives an improvement in the skin's defence against bacteria. It has a germicidal and anti-bacterial effect, due to the ozone formation. It limits sebaceous secretions, drying and healing pustular infection. Impurities are released by the dilation of skin pores. The improvement of lymphatic and venous blood circulation, produces enhanced skin texture and oil and moisture balance.
Because there is no polarity or chemical action with this current, chemicals cannot be driven into the skin. There are no harmful effects on the nerves or muscles. Indirect High Frequency passes through the surface of the body and produces a stimulating anti-congressive effect, with no chemical formation on the skin's surface. The generated warmth produces a relaxing, sedative effect, relieving tension with the same skin benefits as Direct High Frequency.

4 Electrodes Features

1 Large Mushroom for large facial areas
1 Small Mushroom for small facial areas
1 Small Bulb for spot areas
1 Comb


promotes the blood circulation of the head, strengthens the nutrient supply, and aids in preventing and curing neurasthenia, headaches, dizzyness, and sleepless nights. It also promotes hair growth, prevents and cures hair loss, and loss of hair color, etc

俺娘曾经给俺哭诉说为了养大俺,她头发都快掉光了。 俺就给俺老娘买了一套这玩意儿,不过忘了问她有没有用过,头发有没有长出来。等俺下次问她再来汇报。



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阅读 ()评论 (7)
cawan 回复 悄悄话 找到了, 谢谢!
六月骄阳 回复 悄悄话 回复 '生于70s' 的评论 : 我觉的这种东西预防比治疗的效果要好。
六月骄阳 回复 悄悄话 回复 'cawan' 的评论 : 我是ebay上买的,30美金左右,你用我贴的图片去google一下就能找到。
生于70s 回复 悄悄话 谢谢提供的信息,没想到现在有这么小巧的highfrequency,正好给我的美容院换一台。不过我感觉这就是个心理安慰,效果没那么神奇。中老年人掉头发,一般是肝郁或肾亏。看看出国以后90%都掉头发就知道了。调整心情加中药调理应该有效得多。
richard6000 回复 悄悄话 几个月见效? 如果超过半年呒就不好说了.
eRandom 回复 悄悄话 正说着掉头发不知怎么是好呢。
cawan 回复 悄悄话 什么牌子, 哪里有卖? 谢了!