

I Know Him So Well

(2013-04-08 20:19:39) 下一个
I remember the first time I learned about Susan Boyle was when she was singing I Dreamed a Dream on Britain's Got Talent. When Simon Cowell asked her " who do you want to be as successful as?" "Elaine Paige." She said. Everyone was laughing at her。But not long after that, her dream came true. Now she is singing I Know Him So Well with Elaine Paige on stage.

It's such an inspiring story which tells us it's never too late. Just follow your heart - dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, and be what you want to be...

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花甲老翁 回复 悄悄话 对不起素锦,我来迟了回覆,我无条件认同你的说法;
至于交际花的角色。 我觉得没有必要给每个人加上标签 ,交际花也有真诚善良的一面, 大家闺秀有时也会自私狭隘。

Rushy 回复 悄悄话 Great story and great song! Thanks!
素锦流年 回复 悄悄话 回复花甲老翁的评论:

看来老翁是位认真的人。 呵呵。 谢谢您的关注。 我喜欢 Audrey Hepburn 这个人多过她饰演的角色。尤其是她在晚年时热衷公益,让我觉得她更加光彩照人。 无以伦比的美丽。 作为一个演员,尝试不同类型的角色,无可厚非,而且更具挑战性。 我觉得她在 Breakfast at Tiffany 饰演的 Holly 也很可爱。The famous line - i am crazy about Tiffany. hehe... but who doesn't? Not even to mention the song "Moon River"...

至于交际花的角色。 我觉得没有必要给每个人加上标签。 交际花也有真诚善良的一面, 大家闺秀有时也会自私狭隘。呵呵。。。

My 2 cents. 如有冒犯,请别介意。再一次谢谢您的关注。
花甲老翁 回复 悄悄话 素锦你好,对不起,我在你的头像下因没有核对码,不能留信,所以走来这里,请勿见怪,以下只是意见的交流;我以为在奥黛丽·赫本何所饰演的角式里,最失败的便是去扮演一位交际花 ,香港目前的叫法是援交女郎,是供有钱人玩弄的可怜人,这个造型是出现在铁芬尼(著名百货商店)早餐一片当中,这幅图片她应该是含著一枝长烟咀,有枝香烟在燃烧著的,是当交际花的造型,这样子糟蹋了她在罗马假期所饰演的小公主形象 ,她是靠此角式成名的,而她在 my fair lady 片中饰演的窈窕淑女形象也是好成功的,请教你的意见又是如何呢.
花甲老翁 回复 悄悄话 听出了耳油,谢谢你.
素锦流年 回复 悄悄话 回复雪影云痕的评论:


“人生没有彩排,只有现场直播”。说得没有错。 life has no erasers... but it's hard to hate someone once you understand them. am i right?

素锦流年 回复 悄悄话 回复梅兰松竹的评论:

松竹,我觉得Susan还是有点儿小紧张。 但是已经很不错了。 呵呵。。。
素锦流年 回复 悄悄话 回复decentdreamer的评论:

Glad you like it.
雪影云痕 回复 悄悄话 对了,我这几天有conference,下星期学校vacation week, 我们去渡假。所以我暂时关掉我的blog。


雪影云痕 回复 悄悄话 Looking back I could have played it differently
(I could have played it some other way)


梅兰松竹 回复 悄悄话 俺来坐板凳顶!


"...it's never too late. Just follow your heart - dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, and be what you want to be..."

decentdreamer 回复 悄悄话 Like to see them together