


(2013-03-30 20:30:58) 下一个
度假回来的第一天就赶上了难得的好天气,气温高达76度,破了几十年的记录。 下午在 Pioneer Courthouse Square 听了一场露天音乐会 - Pink Martini's Thomas Lauderdale, Storm Large, and China Forbes, members of the State Symphony, and The Von Trapp Children. 阵容相当强大。 前州长和夫人也齐齐到场助阵。

演出的曲目也非常经典。 耳熟能详的有“As Time Goes By", "Danny Boy", "My Favorite Things", "Over the Rainbow", "Summertime", "Shenandoah", "Take Me Home Country Road"...

我个人最喜欢的是Irving Berlin的"Always"...

I'll be loving you - always

With a love that's true - always

When the things you've planned

Need a helping hand

I will understand - always

Days may not be fair - always

That's when I'll be there - always

Not for just an hour

Not for just a day

Not for just a year

But always

演出的高潮是Large的"I will Survive"。她全情投入,随着音乐舞动身体,got totally wild。 跟她唱"Splendor in the Grass"时的风格完全不同。 but I really enjoyed it....全场观众无不起立跳动.

It's so hard to follow. 接下来Forbes演唱了一首"Shenandoah"。衔接的非常好。 把观众又带进了又一种情绪。

演出的结束曲是Beatles那首著名的"Hey Jude"。又是一次全场大合唱 - Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and made it better. Remember to let her under your skin, then you'll begin to make it better better better better better better, oh...

Oh what a beautiful day. I've got a wonderful feeling that everything is going my way....

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