lendahand2014-07-20 14:13:37回复悄悄话
回复 'zephyr2012' 的评论 :
谢谢,对,what a big deal?!又学到一句。很高兴你回复我。年轻人就是不一样,很高兴你的那句
be happy , be positive, love beauty ,enjoy beauty. only beauty and love last forever.
我今天很开心,皆由你们这些美丽的年轻人。 thanks again.
zephyr20122014-07-20 14:05:45回复悄悄话
回复 'lendahand' 的评论 : say sorry to lendahand. like your comments on my blog. one word: be happy , be positive, love beauty ,enjoy beauty. only beauty and love last forever.
zephyr20122014-07-20 14:00:07回复悄悄话
回复 'lendahand' 的评论 : what a big deal??? please do not pick on my English, I can not appreciate it. 我乐观,我爱美,我创造美,我传播美。this matters
lendahand2014-07-20 13:52:53回复悄悄话
hi, Master:
I finally found the answers from my neighbor 20'' ago,
1). thanks for sharing . correct.
2). Have you thinking about to join the fashion forum?
should be:
Have you been thinking about to join the fashion forum?
but my neighbor also told me that the U.S. English always is bad English, sometimes she's might heard those kinda expressions. in oral,it's no such big deal.
thanks. English is hard to learn.
lendahand2014-07-20 13:03:43回复悄悄话
贴主,感谢你的回复,真的,我们生活的年代不同, 我们生活在不爱红妆爱武装的年代,所以有那种感慨。请你不要介意,很喜欢你的 文风和图片,我正准备去请教我的邻居,一个退休的 白女教师,thanks for sharing. have you thinking about to join the fashion forum? 那句话的应用和对不对?并非质疑,是诚心想学,毕竟年岁大了,头脑不是那么灵敏。thank 和for 之间加不加 s?
lendahand2014-07-20 11:29:00回复悄悄话
一直在想 zephyr2012 的英文表达方式?她是对的还是笔误?
Did you think...... ?
Do you thing.....?
Have you been thinking....?
Have you thought......?
very glad that u liked it. have a nice week.
谢谢,对,what a big deal?!又学到一句。很高兴你回复我。年轻人就是不一样,很高兴你的那句
be happy , be positive, love beauty ,enjoy beauty. only beauty and love last forever.
我今天很开心,皆由你们这些美丽的年轻人。 thanks again.
I finally found the answers from my neighbor 20'' ago,
1). thanks for sharing . correct.
2). Have you thinking about to join the fashion forum?
should be:
Have you been thinking about to join the fashion forum?
but my neighbor also told me that the U.S. English always is bad English, sometimes she's might heard those kinda expressions. in oral,it's no such big deal.
thanks. English is hard to learn.
人老了,更 很喜欢你 和 zephyr2012这样年轻有才华,又有爱心善心的女生。深深地祝福。
Thank you for your comment, I will consider!
Did you think...... ?
Do you thing.....?
Have you been thinking....?
Have you thought......?
请原谅 一个 60 多岁的带 满月 孙子的老太太 学 英文 遇到的 困惑。
楼下的 thanks for sharing. have you thinking about to join the fashion forum?
善意地讨论一下英文:thank 后面加“S”吗?好像见的不多。第二句中的 have + v.ing 是什么时态?,同样好像没见过,如果有高见的读者,望能解答。