我 在 暗 中 受 造 , 在 地 的 深 處 被 聯 絡 ;

那 時 , 我 的 形 體 並 不 向 你 隱 藏 。 我 未 成 形 的 體 質 , 你 的 眼 早 已 看 見 了 ;

How I recovered from Depression

(2014-04-07 15:35:18) 下一个

自从我出生,我一直都知道抑郁症。毕竟,我的妈妈试图自杀数次。对她来说,自杀是一种报复。我第一次想到了自杀,是在我7 我对同龄人我的祖父母死亡被火化时,自己跳进火.





人流。I had an abortion.

想到了自杀,是什么阻止我? 是Wilkerson的书。他说给上帝三天。让他做一个奇迹。我决定等待,自杀念就走了。


直到我试图从abortion愈合. I received healing through Rachel's vineyard, and from "Sisters of LIfe".

IN East Coast, here is the link for sisters of life. Everything is FREE!!!! Free conference, free retreat, free camp, free follow up, free group therapy.

Lumina is located in NY/CT. Below is a portrait of the woman caught in adultery. Below is also the link to their ministries.
It is FREE.


In West Coast, Midwest please google for Rachel's vineyard. It is 100 dollars t0 200 dollars, and covers one weekend of lodging and food and therapy.

流产的信息,它会导致不仅depresison ,创伤后应激障碍,而且还身体bad。


Since I was born, I have always known depression. After all, my mom tried to kill herself several times by jumping into the river. To her, suicide was a revenge. Since I was young, the first time I thought about suicide was when I was 7. I said to myself then, to my peers, that I would kill myself by jumping into the fire when my grandparents die and are cremated.

In my teens, I was a happy girl.

I went to college, and developed depression at 17 in sophomore year.

i did well in school but was often depressed.

until, i met this loser in graduate school. he convinced me to have sex. i said yes because this is the first time i thought i was pretty enough to a man. because my sister frequently made fun of my body. i had low self-esteem.

i got pregnant right away.

I got an abortion.

I started to be extremely depressed. i thought of killing myself, what prevented me was David Wilkerson's book. He said give God three days. let him do a miracle. I decided to wait, and the thoughts went away.

Fast forward, 14 years gone by, still depressed. Meanwhile, I had been sick for more than 10 years. very sick. fever and inflammation. for a while i thought i may have cancer or cancer is developing.

Until I sought healing from Rachel's vineyard, and later from sisters of life.

Please google for information for healing from abortion, it causes not only depresison, ptsd, but also physical somatic symptoms.

please take care of yourself and please do not blame yourself for the abortion. God loves you.

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