

7 Signs You Have A Hidden Depression

(2015-04-03 07:38:45) 下一个

Depression can be a silent killer, and people experience it differently: while some people only experience mild depression (or may actually feel “blue”, and mistake it for being depressed), others suffer from what is known as “concealed/hidden depression”. Depressed people can express themselves in various ways, and a person who is genuinely sad does not always look obviously unhappy or starts crying all of a sudden. It is perfectly natural for our moods to change over time, but if you have been feeling unhappy for a while, then you may suffer from hidden depression. Here are some of the most obvious signs associated with it:

1. You Avoid Expressing Your Feelings

If you avoid expressing your feelings and talking about the things that make you sad, then the chances are that you are suffering from concealed depression. However, this sign alone should not be taken for granted when it comes to diagnosing yourself with depression – it is not uncommon for introverts to avoid expressing their own feelings as well. If you are also a perfectionist who is always very task-oriented and who likes to do things all by himself, then this should get you thinking!

2. You Release Subtle And Unconscious “Cries For Help”

When it comes to depression, some people are masters at concealing it, mainly because they do not want to worry those who are dear to their heart, or because they do not want to look like a burden in the eyes of others. However, even the strongest person (both from a mental or emotional standpoint) unconsciously releases a “cry for help” every now and then – one that, unfortunately, often goes unnoticed. If you sometimes open up to people randomly or you feel the need to reach out to others and to create “bridges”, then the chances are that your hidden depression is no longer hidden.

3. You Experience All Sorts Of Random Body Aches And Unexplained Pains

A very common misconception that surrounds depression these days is that this illness only affects the mind, when the truth is that it can easily take its toll on the body of the sufferer as well. Statistically speaking, people who suffer from depression are 300% more likely to develop chronic pain, as opposed to those who do not. Depression is an underdiagnosed condition these days, and unfortunately most doctors focus primarily on treating the pain or the ache itself, as opposed to trying to pinpoint the culprit behind it, and to address it in real-time. Chronic inflammation is extremely common amongst those with hidden depression – this is basically your body’s immune system response to your state of mind.

4. You Are Constantly Looking For A Purpose

We are all looking for a purpose and we all want to understand the meaning of life, but if you find yourself in the position where you are never satisfied with what you have and you feel that nothing you do is worthwhile, then you may be suffering from hidden depression. It is not uncommon for depressed people to try and over-compensate for the sadness they feel deep inside by excelling at work or school.

5. You Make Intentional Efforts To Appear OK

Are you struggling to appear OK in front of your friends and family? Do you seem exponentially happy and you sometimes feel like you are putting on a mask, one that you cannot wait to get back home and take off? Depression is not just a state of mind, it is an issue that can effect every single aspect of your life, and it is essential to identify these small hidden signs and address them in real-time, before your depression escalates and reaches a whole new level.

6. You Experience “Rumination”

The concept of rumination refers to excessive worrying and over-thinking a problem, without actually taking any measures to address it. Rumination is one of the most obvious signs of depression, but unfortunately it is often visible solely to the one who experiences it, this is why it is important to be objective for a minute and to ask yourself whether you tend to worry too much about something, when you should take action instead. Rumination can wreak havoc on your health, your life, your relationships and your career.

7. Your Sleeping And Eating Habits Have Changed

This is yet another important sign that you may be suffering from hidden depression, one that you should never ignore. Have you noticed that you started to eat a lot more than you normally would or that, on the contrary, you are barely eating anything all day? Do you find yourself eating chips and other “comfort foods” while sitting on the couch lately? If so, then you may be suffering from a concealed depression: one that should not be ignored, hoping that it will eventually go away all by itself. Depression is not self-limiting, and it often tends to worsen over time – it can last for years or even decades, and it can truly impact the quality of your life.

On the other hand, your sleeping habits are yet another great indicator of your current state of mind. It is known that depressed people tend to sleep a lot more than those who do not suffer from depression, although sometimes insomnia may also be a good indicator. If you wake up in the middle of the night with various thoughts roaming freely in your head, then you should see a psychologist or a psychotherapist who will help you identify the problem behind that.

The Bottom Line

To sum it all up, depression is certainly one of the most dangerous and common diseases of the 21st century, and unfortunately it often goes unseen and undiagnosed. Concealed depression is a lot worse than the regular, visible depression as we all know it, mainly because the sufferer does not even acknowledge the fact that he or she is depressed, thus being unable to actually do something about it. If you feel that your world is becoming darker and increasingly more difficult to live in, it is essential to consult a professional psychologist who can help you overcome this challenging time in your life!

From http://www.psychologium.com



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