其他语言中,这一纹路经常被称为“希腊纹”,例如意大利语 greca。
希腊回纹,又译希腊钥匙、希腊键纹,英文名叫Greek Key Motif。希腊回纹的图案来源于River Meaner, 相传是出自古希腊游吟诗人荷马的叙事诗作《伊利亚特》里面一条弯弯曲曲的河流,而《伊利亚特》正是直接描写特洛伊战争的英雄史诗。
回纹图案是古希腊中最重要的标志之一,它象征着永恒和万事万物的无限循环,其拥有数千年的历史,也对西方的建筑装饰产生了源远流长的影响。这个图案被广泛 地用于建筑、时装、室内设计和家居等设计行业,大名鼎鼎的时尚巨头VERSACE,就用希腊回纹包裹美杜莎头像作为LOGO的表现元素,象征奢华与高贵。
Albright-Knox art gallery - Buffalo, NY 希腊回纹
Frederick Humble Building 希腊回纹
商代青铜器,其中最细的纹路类似希腊回纹 (中国回纹)
The Greek Key/meander motif took its name from the river Meander in ancient Greece (present day Turkey). The Meander was characterized by a very convoluted path. It became the most important symbol in Ancient Greece, symbolizing infinity or the eternal flow of things.
The Greek key, which is also known as a meander, is an ancient Greek design. It dates back to ancient Greece where it symbolized infinity and eternity. It can be found today in jewelry and art.
The Meander was characterized by a very convoluted path.
Meander symbolizes as well the bonds of friendship, of love and devotion and that’s the reason it’s often given as marriage gift. It can symbolize as well the four cardinal points, the 4 seasons, waves – especially in the round version of it, or snakes, among others.
The greek key is also called the meander. The meander symbolized the eternal flow of things. It is the symbol of eternal love, eternal life and eternal friendships.
The meander motif took its name from the river Meander, a river with many twists, mentioned by Homer in Iliad. The motif is also known as Greek key or Greek fret.
Meander was the most important symbol in Ancient Greece, symbolizing infinity or the eternal flow of things. Many temples and objects were decorated with this motif, and it is considered that there is a connection with the Cretan labyrinth – indeed - a labyrinth can be drawn using a Greek key.
Meander symbolizes as well the bonds of friendship, of love and devotion and that’s the reason it’s often given as marriage gift. It can symbolize as well the four cardinal points, the 4 seasons, waves – especially in the round version of it, or snakes, among others.
From ma随风的博客 (http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_dca23fea0101m6s5.html)
A Chinese Export "Famille Rose" Covered Platter, c.1810 中国回纹
a Chinese Export porcelain covered deep platter; Qing Dynasty, probably during the reign of Jiaqing (1796-1820); the modified Greek key motif most likely based on English ceramic prototypes; a gilt and rouge-de-fer palette with cobalt blue accents; in excellent condition with minor rubbing to gilt edge; dimensions: 14 1/2" length x 11 1/2" depth x 5 1/4" tall
乾隆卡咖啡杯--中国回纹 (回家藏品)
回纹是指以横竖折绕组成如同“回”字形的一种传统几何装饰纹样,因其构成形式回环反复,延绵不断,回纹在民间有“富 贵不断头”的说法。根据其纹样的特性,人们赋予了回纹连绵不断、吉利永长的吉祥寓意。二方连续的回纹可以呈现出整齐划一的视觉效果,所以它常被用作间隔或 锁边图案,而在织锦纹样中出现的回纹通常是以四方连续的形式来进行组合的,俗称“回回锦”。