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Sci-Fiction Zeta Planet Abstract (English Version)

(2016-10-30 04:50:11) 下一个


This Science Fiction story describes an imaginary planet named Z which is located 40 light years from our solar system. The residences in this planet have developed interstellar travelling technology which enables them to communicate with other civilizations in Milky Way galaxy. Although it’s science Fiction, the content gives strict reference to modern science.


Chapter 1:  Z Binary Star System and Solar System

We search for the Sun’s position in Our Milky Way map. At the remote area of our galaxy, let’s draw a small circle to highlight our Sun. No matter how small the circle is, Z binary star system will fall in the same circle. Our Milky Way galaxy is so huge, the Z binary Star which 40 lights years away looks so close to us.

From the study of subatomic physics, the Z planet residences learned how to harness the nuclear power. On top of that, they learned how to use the power wisely. They use this power for interstellar travelling rather than threaten other civilizations.

Chapter 2:  The Universal Evolution Process

Our universe is 13.8 billion years old. We have same subatomic partials to form basic elements, and form molecular. From single cell organisms to planet, animal and intelligent beings, the life evolution follow the same rule. Z planet residences are more advanced than us: they developed systematic view of the world and realized the connection of all things. Unlike we look outside for happiness, they look inside and search for inner peace. From this start point, they build a better civilization.

Chapter 3:  Interstellar Spaceships

As we invent airplanes by imitating bird flying, the aliens invent the unconventional flying machines by imitating the star’s spiral system. They use nuclear technology and gravity waves to operate their machines. This chapter gives detailed illustration and mechanism of the unconventional flying machine based on observations and latest scientific researches.

Chapter 4:  Response to Carl Sagan’s Message

In 1974, Carl Sagan sent message to the universe by radio waves. In this message, Sagan used binary code to describe basic elements of life in our earth planet: C,N, O,H,P, give the DNA macro molecular structures, illustrate our solar system. Aliens made the first contact with us by replying our message. Their basic life elements are similar to us, they are also Carbon based life and their home star is a H2O rich planet. As they initiated their welcoming in a friendly way, our earth residences eventually sort out fears and inner conflicts, in the end the earth residences decided to build connection with them and other Milky Way civilizations.

Chapter 5:  The Milky Way Civilizations  

After we joined the Milky Way connection, the earth residences are able to advance our technologies. For example, we learned instantaneous communication technology by quantum entanglement: the message can reach other stars many light years away instantaneously without delay.

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