儿子:"How many times do I have to tell you, I don't want to have another baby at home!"
女儿:"It's strange to have a new baby. They puke, spit, sleep, mess things up, cry, annoy us. It feels like a stranger comes into our house and stays there forever. All I need is 蒙蒙"
儿子: "Yeah, all I need is 姐姐(4), and all 姐姐(4) needs is me!"
我问: "那姐姐以后有baby好不好?"
儿子: "No! Don't say that!"
儿子: "I don't want 姐姐 to have a baby. But I know she will have one". 于是儿子眉头皱得很厉害
女儿: "I'm not going to have a baby, it's optional"
儿子: "I don't think so. When girls grow up, somehow
magically they all have babies! When they are pregnant, the baby has to come out of their belly"
女儿: "No, you can decide if you want baby or not. You have to do something to have a baby. I'm not gonna have a baby anyway, I don't want a baby. I'm not gonna have a boyfriend. Boys are ugly!"
我问儿子: "你说女孩不能control pregnancy吗?"
儿子: "Of course not. Do you think they can control their peeing?"
我一头雾水: " 怎么不能? 况且这个和pregnancy有什么关系呢?"
儿子: "Do you think they can control their pee from being generated? Stuff like that! Pregnancy just happens naturally, you can't control it. I'm glad I'm not a girl!"
儿子一听就急了,使劲打了我胳膊一下,发出老虎的声音很生气地用类似黑社会老大的腔调说:"No, you are not going to have a baby"
...顿了两下,眉头皱得凶巴巴的,进一步把头靠近我的脸,瞪着我压低声音:"If you do.....Sell It!" (当时觉得特别可笑)
过了几下, 就开始不干了, 哭哭咧咧跟姐姐说: "I thought mommy said she was not going to have another baby, she has choice!"
女儿说: "She does have choice"
儿子: "Then why she wants to have another baby? She's too old!"
电视上有个节目"A Baby Story"。昨天讲了夫妇两个,生了第三个女儿。夫妇都说不在乎都是女儿。妻子说可能还会再要孩子,不论男女。
儿子发话了:"They are going to have lots of babies"
儿子说:"The girls are going to have lots of babies when they grow up"
儿子又说:"One of them may lay a girl"

问他: “How about mommy having another baby?”
儿子如今平静了:"I'm going to be very mad if you do, I might just throw the baby out of the window. Besides, I don't think you really want a baby yourself, I know you don't want another Meng" (儿子自己,我说过要是有两个蒙妈妈就别活了)