王利民 民声 Limin Wang People's Voice

我来自毛共社会农民家庭,成长、自立、成家阶段偏逢特色共产党越发走资,在美国漂泊二十年,最近还遭遇工伤谋害谋杀。我认识到,光靠个人的辛勤是改变不了制度给个人注定的命运,必须同时通过个人的努力去改变制度和社会Limin Wang, People's Voice

Alexandria Wang My Daughter Being Ripped Away By the American Ev

(2021-12-10 10:44:21) 下一个

Alexandria Wang My Daughter Being Ripped Away By the American Evil System

Dec. 08, 2021, Wednesday,Dec 10 Updated, To be updated a lot more

by Limin Wang

Here, I post online the two video clips, unedited at all. I took these 
videos with my phone when the so-called Administration for Children's 
Services (one black male named himself as Geraldo Duran, and a fat black 
woman) and Police (two white male) came with my seventeen-and-a-half-years-
old daughter Alexandria Wang at the night of Oct. 05, 2021 to my being-
eviction-cased rental residence at 136-09 59th Ave, Ground Floor Rear 
Apartment, Flushing, NY 11355, according to that same day's earlier phony "
Family" "Court" proceeding's Judge Emily Ruben's oral decision, to get my 
daughter Alexandria Wang's "personal belongings" out of this family. The ACS
, the Police, and their accomplices Long Island Jewish Medical Center and 
later South Oaks Hospital had NEVER shown me any WRITTEN document, medical 
or legal, prior to the phony Oct. 05, 2021 first hearing of "Child Neglect".
 In addition, these humanscums had NEVER discussed or revealed any of their 
so-called "medical" evaluation, diagnoses, or treatments with me the father 
at all. These humanscums from the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM had only used their 
PSYCHIATRIC VICTIM Li Li as a normal parent, or as a normal adult, and 
purposedly as their cover-up. What these humanscums, including some of the 
teachers or guidance counselor or social worker at Bronx High School of 
Science, have said and done to Alexandria Wang, have actually been a top 
secret to the parents, because these systemic humanscums have injected the 
toxic idea of privacy into my youngster, and because these systemic 
humanscums have prohibited Alexandria Wang from using her phone or laptop at
 the "hospitals" and further prohibited Alexandria Wang from having direct 
communications with her parents!

There have been some security camera captures too. This post is expected to 
be updated with a lot of details. Today, Dec. 08, 2021, my daughter 
Alexandria Wang kept asking me to give back the little money she earned by 
working at World Ice Arena, sometimes being told to clean the filthy public-
use bathrooms which were sometimes awfully messed by a swarm of Jewish 
children. The total of her direct deposit into my checking account is 
absolutely less than two thousand dollars, or only close to one thousand 
dollars, as I need to check for the exact number. At ~15 pm today, the liar 
black woman who came over here on Nov. 15 and 19, 2021 was SUDDENLY calling 
my phone to announce THEY WILL HAVE A MEETING WITH ME tomorrow (Dec. 09, 
2021) noon 12, while some humanscum had delivered the unenveloped printouts 
of "family" "court" "documents" onto this residence building's iron gate at 
the very night before Thanksgiving, and the papers have stated the next 
phony hearing will be on December 16, 2021 at 02:00 PM. The Queens County's 
"family" "court" and ACS (or called Children Protection Services) had 
suddenly made such kind of surprise phony meeting before, for example, on 
Oct. 14, 2021, and during that berief phone meeting, judge Emily Ruben was 
only asking me whether I was recording the meeting, and then this coward 
simply hung up the phone once and again after I frankly said I had to for 
the sake of TRUTH AND JUSTICE!

Public viewers, please pay close attention to the two police men, 
particularly the mid-aged bald police, as well as the ACS/CPS man Geraldo 
Duran. The fat black mid-aged woman was unnamed to me, and she was the one 
body-language controlling Alexandria Wang by "hand-guiding" on my daughter's
 back to leave the trauma-stricken parents and home.

The following 95-seconds-long video showed the bald policeman took over the USA passport and birth certificate of Alexandria Wang's from me, checked both, and simply passed them to ACS/CPS man Geraldo Duran, and then left. I had asked to allow me to directly pass these two documents to my daughter Alexandria Wang, but she was no more nearby or within the sight.


The thirty-one-minutes-and-one-second-long video I took while I came into the hallway and opened the iron gate to them and then the police held me near the iron gate in the hallway has met with uploading difficulty onto YouTube, but now is successfully uploaded and publicized at Facebook. The link is below:



 I will provide the needed annotations of this long video later, but right now, it's noteworthy to point out one thing for what I have long accused that it's a PREMEDITATED AND COORDINATED STATE TERRORISTS ATTACKS ON ME AND MY FAMILY AT WORKPLACES, AT RENTAL RESIDENCE, AT PUBLIC VENUES, AT SCHOOLS, ONLINE, ETC, AND THE STATE TERRORISTS PIT FAMILY MEMBERS AGAINST EACH OTHER FOR THEIR DESTROY OF THE WHOLE FAMILY. In year 2020, the actual-second-floor old humans-cum man used a hammer or something to break the switch panels of the shared hallway and front-wall lights, because the actual-second-floor claims these lights consume their electricity! I complained to landlord Mr. Maurice Shiau, and he FINALLY on January 28, 2021 brought someone to "fix" the lights switches and something else. Actually, pretty much NOTHING was really fixed, but something was definitely STAGED. The electricity wiring must have gone through the Actual-Second-Floor or something so ASF can CONTROL the electricity of the whole building or at least THE FIRST-FLOOR HALLWAY'S TWO LIGHT FIXTURES, THE BUILDING FRONT WALL'S LIGHT, AND MY RENTAL PLACE of GROUND FLOOR REAR APARTMENT. So, I could not switch on any of the building's light for the front yard at nighttime, and I have to extend a wire from within my apartment to the immediate outside of my apartment door since this vicinity about twenty feet away from the building entrance is dim or dark. These two videos absolutely show that the frontyard was dark, even their newly mounted automatic infrared responsive light was NOT turned on, and the whole actual-second-floor's family treats the first-floor-hallway's ceiling light as their private own and almost always turns it off. Then, what would happen or facilitatedly happen in the DARKNESS? Humans cums, whether self-claimingly as police or in apparent police uniform, or absolutely the actual-second-floor ones, came to the building's front and to knock or bang the iron gate, or came (into) to my apartment door to often BANG and THREAT. WHAT THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM HAS DONE TO PROVIDE A SAFE HOME ENVIRONMENT TO A FAMILY WITH CHILDREN??????? 

What's inside the envelopes that Geraldo Duran was wielding when they suddenly came to this rental residence at ~21:30, Oct. 05, 2021, Tuesday? He did not leave anything of his first-wielded NOTEPAD as claimed to be the written allegations/documents to me. The two white envelopes were separately handwritten only with "Limin Wang" or "Li Li" on. Li Li was inside the apartment and would NOT accept the letter, so Geraldo Duran put the "Li Li" letter on top of a bin at the only cross-path area within my apartment, and Li Li has NEVER opened any of the "important" letters addressed to her since her psychiatric return home in year 2015! Because this so-called Administration for Children Services blackman came in the afternoon of Oct. 01, 2021, a Chinese Independence Anniversary Day, saw from his vehicle that I was in front yard but did NOT call or contact me, but only left TWO letters onto the iron gate after I was away from the front yard, and this Geraldo Duran was, like the NYS Workers' Compensation "Judge" blackman Mr. Lucky Enobakhare, faking a SEVERE accent on the Oct. 04, 2021 hearing held by the so-called Administration for Children's Service and I could not hear what the f-uck he was alleging about, and this Oct. 05, 2021 night the TWO male policemen were obviously treating me as their prey, I felt disgusted by such a humans-cum system, so I told Geraldo Duran to either put that letter to the iron gate again or into a mailbox. He then put into the WRONG mailbox in the dark. 

Here are the total TWELVE non-edited or non-reditted photos of every page of what's inside that Oct. 05, 2021 envelope. I did NOT cover the shown DOB of my daughter Alexandria Wang, because these HUMANS-CUMS later changed her DOB to 04/20/2004 for her NEW health insurance at a different company, Affinity, and the so-called children adoption actually children trafficking agency blurrily self-identified as SCO also handwrote the same wrong 04/20/2004 DOB on some paper forms. The so-called Judge's Decision was a LOUSY PHOTOCOPY already in the INFORMAL ENVELOPE delivered in the INFORMAL WAY.  The ONLY OTHER signature inside the envelope was a "name" seemingly to be the ACS's legal representative but absolutely unknown to me and not matching to any PRINTED NAMES. THIS WHOLE EVIL SYSTEM, INCLUDING THE QUEENS COUNTY FAMILY COURT, HAS INTENTIONALY FABRICATED THE "PRESENCE" OF MY DAUGHTER ALEXANDRIA WANG ON THE "COURT'S" VIRTUAL HEARING, and MALICIOUSLY PITTED A YOUNG CHILD KNOWING ALMOST NOTHING ABOUT THE REAL AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM AGAINST THE ALREADY TRAUMA-STRICKEN PARENTS ESPECIALLY THE FATHER. These vicious systemic humans-cums from this RUN-ON-PROSTITUTION system even identify me the only fighter against the evil in their prostitution-wired print as "Limin Wang, The Alleged Father of said child". And, the so-called "allegations" on the NEVER-SIGNED written forms were full of BULL-SHIT AND FRIVOLITY AND DISTORT AND FABRICATION AND ASSAULT,,, IN ALL, EVIL MALICE. I will point them out one by one when up to its priority.




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