王利民 民声 Limin Wang People's Voice

我来自毛共社会农民家庭,成长、自立、成家阶段偏逢特色共产党越发走资,在美国漂泊二十年,最近还遭遇工伤谋害谋杀。我认识到,光靠个人的辛勤是改变不了制度给个人注定的命运,必须同时通过个人的努力去改变制度和社会Limin Wang, People's Voice

A Diary about Returning Bottles

(2021-05-18 20:11:06) 下一个
A Diary about Returning Bottles
May 18, 2021
Today, when I was returning bottles, I met with a young Chinese humanscum man who I strongly believe came premeditated and intentional for some confrontation. This shit must have skipped the line when I went inside the store to call for recycle-machine service. After I came back to the error-signed machine, I saw this chubby young Chinese-looking man was standing immediately close to that machine. I asked him to excuse me for my returning to my spot, although my "wife" was still waiting at that machine. This man NEVER asked me or my "wife" or the old Chinese woman (woman A, later seen as an old couple returning bottles on the machine, and the woman somehow got a foot-long metal-stick under her arm) immediately following us for any convenience to skip the line and return his ONLY TWO plastic bottles (One big, and one small) held directly on his hands. His only reasons of his "right" by his claim are he has ONLY TWO BOTTLES, and last time he gave his two bottles to somebody else. So, what he wants to say is now he thinks his TEN American cents are so valuable that he wants to deliberately irritate me for his some actual vicious purpose. The old Chinese woman who argued about me joining my "wife's" line now at this scene NEVER raised any word about this young man. I had been waiting after another Chinese old woman (Woman B ) who claimed she had arrived earlier. Woman B at a point told me that she had not only the SUPER-SIZED (~3 feet wide) bag in front of her feet but also two more similar-sized bags outside the rail. What's more odd is that, during woman B's bottle-returning, a mid-aged Chinese man drove by an SUV to unload two or three more such SUPER-SIZED bags to Woman B. All these black garbage bags were covered with a heavy layer of slightly-yellow dust, and inside her bag were a lot of NON-REFUNDABLE bottles besides the water bottles. Woman B also seemed to own the few cans in the small bags tied onto the rail.
The recycling machines give difficult in recognizing the absolutely clean and absolutely recognizable and absolutely wholesome plastic bottles, and this is the MAIN reason choking up the recycling process. The second reason from the store's side is the store's personnel sometimes are not so helpful even in business terms. I was helping Woman B to insert her bottles into the recycling machine, but when she was delivered with more bags by another person by vehicle, I gave up my help and I didn't want to challenge her about the waiting line. Woman B, just like many other predominantly Chinese "bottle-recyclists", could not speak any sensible English, to call for machine maintenance.
When my "wife" got her waiting line spot to the plastic-recycling machine, I gave up the waiting after woman B and joined my wife. Woman A had been pressing so close toward my "wife", and now asserted that I could not do so. I explained I came together with my "wife" and about other RELATED THINGS, and I needed to do the plastic bottles together with my "wife". Woman A was forcing her way attempting to block me. I didn't touch her any bit and I did join my "wife" in this common effort. The machine, not under "bottle-recyclists" control, keeps doing the indiscriminative discrimination in recognizing the bottles. A PERFECT BOTTLE may take relentless efforts and semi-countless times of FUCKING before being taken-in, although some Chinese old women later asserted as if my "wife" and I were not qualified "bottle-recyclists" and had wasted their precious time.
When the friendly store-clerk came to maintain the machines after I called for machine-service, the young Chinese guy once again found his way to the plastic recycling machine. He acted as if he just had such a right in front of me for his ten valuable U.S.A. cents. After the machine was reset by the clerk, I was expecting for my receipt of the returned-bottles before the machine error, but the young Chinese guy simply inserted his 2-liter bottle toward the machine, and I angrily popped his bottle aside. The clerk was supposed not to know any issue happening between the young Chinese guy and me, so he quickly judged I did a rude move and turned the machine off. I asked about the receipt, and the clerk was nice enough to turn on the machine and check about it. He told me there was no receipt. My short-term memory on many many daily-life-activities has been so bad after the workplace and then medical-clinics injuries, so I had no memory whether I had taken a receipt when the machine reported error, and I had to trust what this friendly clerk told me about the receipt.
Then the young Chinese guy kept returning his two bottles, and his clean looking bottles took multiple rounds before finally being taken. I was still not happy about his rude way of skipping the line so I was talking about it. Now the old Chinese acted as if I should allow the young man to do such skipping-the-line, and then I told them when I was trying to skip the line and ASK for any CHINESE's "bottle-recyclists" consideration, ALMOST NOBODY EVEN BOTHERED TO HEAR SUCH A POLITE REQUEST.
At the end, the young Chinese man claimed HE IS A CHINESE as his such a right to skip the line. When it's about to start a physical fight, the shit ran off and then jumped up and down and poured crap from his mouth. This humanscum even cursed about my mother. And I strongly believe that this humanscum deliberately cursed about my mother while my mother had recently died mysteriously in China. I know a little how the American laws play, and I know that often humanscums want to irritate me, just like some old Chinese humanscums sometime by the same "reason" skipped to my front for grocery check-out or for free school-meals pick-up. Chinese are not supposed to be represented by such humanscums, not matter how old or how young they are, not matter they are inside China or abroad.
The scenes about bottle-recycling in New York City REFLECTS a real human society. Many observanaces about bottle-recycling have not been mentioned yet. On a related point, the Chinese-populated Flushing has so many Chinese grocery/supermarket stores, but NONE of them would accommodate any RECYCLING MACHINES to provide any recycling service. So, racism is less the issue; capitalism is the rooting issue. Capitalism raises humanscums, like that young man, by the terms of many good words like democracy or freedom or anti-culture-revolution, but to meticulously initiate troubles and threats to real people. By no sense, that young Chinese man in his early twenty looking is only an immature person. The evil system has always been stalking, provoking, and harming, and even attempting to murder me and my family, in workplaces, at rental residence, in public places. Yet, they often act they are so innocent or murderous things happen "by accident", to sugar-coat the state terrorism system.
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