王利民 民声 Limin Wang People's Voice

我来自毛共社会农民家庭,成长、自立、成家阶段偏逢特色共产党越发走资,在美国漂泊二十年,最近还遭遇工伤谋害谋杀。我认识到,光靠个人的辛勤是改变不了制度给个人注定的命运,必须同时通过个人的努力去改变制度和社会Limin Wang, People's Voice


(2021-02-12 04:19:06) 下一个

A System Wanted

By Limin Wang

February 12, 2021, Friday

We the people are social animals almost all wanting life, liberty, happiness, justice, and PROSPERITY. While the resources, natural or generated, are LIMITED, the demands of the whole human population are ENORMOUS. This confrontation and unification between these two fundamentally opposing factors drastically promote the evolution of the most intelligent species --- homo sapiens, which can be anywhere between most constructive and most destructive. Some form of collective structure is always needed for some form of collective function, and vice versa. In human society, specifically, the collective structure is a system, while the collective function is THE JUSTICE. The JUSTICE, i.e., the FAIRNESS, should not be too complex to be understood by everyday people, but the SYSTEM, i.e., the RULING, would often make it very complicated for everyday people to get it. Individual humans at different levels from different walks of a system are not always so stupid or tame, if they are awakened on their own or by the wake-up callers about how UNFAIRLY they have been ruled and ruined by a SYSTEM, they may erupt individually or collectively to fight against such a SYSTEM. If the revolutionists succeed in the revolution, they become the new rulers, usually of a new system, presumably for the justice for all.

The American Revolutionists, the American Revolution, the United States of America, and the Constitution have been lauded long and wide. However, if you have some good quality of honesty, inquiry, and bravery, you may well say that the USA SYSTEM is rife with INJUSTICE since its conception up to the very present development hour. Why would the Framers be later regarded as Founders or by some as FOUNDING FATHERS, just because they succeeded? Should they, their deeds, and their work simply be enshrined as saints, glory, and canon, respectively? A realistic view would be good, and a progressive realistic view would be better, because usually the best is yet to come.

Now, look at the USA Constitution, and based on some clauses of it, the TWO IMPEACHMENTS AND TRIALS on President Donald John Trump for his one-term presidency by the Congress. Is the USA Constitution perfect? even though its preamble’s objectives include for a “more perfect union”. Come on, was James Madison bad at basic English grammar and usage? It’s the beginning of a telltale! The USA Constitution invests the SUPREME POWER of legislative, executive, and judicial to the Subjects of Article I. The system of checks and balances was not really there, and is still not really here. The existence of the first ten amendments at the time of ratification is an evidence of imperfection of the Constitution. The existence of many revisions is an evidence it can get contemporary. The existence of many following amendments is an evidence that it needs to be specific. The existence of opposite amendments is an evidence that it can even be ridiculous! Why is there the Electoral College? Why the Certification of Electoral College Votes about the 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION happened in CONGRESS at Capitol on January 6, 2021? ONLY because of the Framers’ and their Followers’ INTENTION of OLIGARCHY.  OLIGARCHY was not new, so FIGURE HEADS were plenty. Sometimes, the Head, via blood, by blood, or through ballot, does not want to be a Figure Head controlled OLIGARCHES, and to achieve that such a Head needs an ARMY of supporters or the support of an Army.

President Donald John Trump has wanted to be a Real President, and he has an ARMY of followers and supporters. That’s wrong by the SYSTEM. So, the Russian Gate was up for years; then the Ukraine Gate was up. President Trump was not brought down. Then came the PERFECT FRAUD of “COVID-19 Pandemic”, first reportedly out of Trump’s arch-enemy country, Peculiar-Colored China under the Peculiar-Colored Chinese Communist Party. “COVID-19” was propagandized by the Trump-hater mainstream media to be so “lethal” or at least so “viral”, so the election campaign was advocated to go virtual for the “BENEFIT” of people’s lives. The Big Techs may not able to control the “Coronavirus-2”, but they can definitely MANIPULATE the virtual world. The Trump-haters can not intimidate the HUGE CROWDS of Trump-followers or -supporters shown on his campaign trails, but they can CULTIVATE virtual voters. The virtual voters showed up in the 2020 presidential election as MASSIVE mail-in ballots, flipping-tabulator ballots, and spike ballots, etc. At the end, the voting results came out ELECTRONICALLY. IS IT THAT HARD FOR PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE ELECTRONIC WORLD CAN BE CONTROLLED BY A SELECTIVE GROUP OF PEOPLE? How President Donald J. Trump’s online media accounts have been controlled? Donald J. Trump couldn’t access his own tweets, BUT the “MANAGERS” can access his and have SELECTIVELY shown some of his tweets in the Senate and all over the world with some SELECTIVE HIGHLIGHT. What the First Amendment of the USA Constitution itself can do for President Trump? as long as Trump-haters can find some excuses for THE BENEFIT OF THE SYSTEM.

Donald J. Trump wouldn’t capitulate easily to forecasted 2020 presidential election fraud. He and his aides first FOLLOWED the venues of The SYSTEM to pursue The JUSTICE. However, the JUSTICE stick is run by some HUMANS of the SYSTEM, and these people by the SYSTEM of usually DOING NOTHING BUT TO SERVE THEMSELVES would put the Burden of Proof on the Trump side, while President Trump as “powerful” as the “Commander In Chief” did NOT have the real power to investigate the ballots, envelopes, voter rolls, tabulators, security footages, etc to COLLECT EVIDENCE, and the Deniers of Election Fraud of course then would DECIDE: NO EVIDENCE of fraud, or in a more professional way, no evidence of WIDE-SPREAD fraud.

By FOLLOWING the USA Constitution, President Donald J. Trump and his supporters put their “hope” in Congress too. However, the Certification of Electoral College Votes was run by humans of the SYSTEM too. When they say the Certification is only a Ceremony to certify, they would neither take COVID-19 to cancel the Ceremony, nor follow Precedents to object some questionable votes. The President of the Joint Session of Congress, Mike Pence, was not considered to a President with real power by the SYSTEM or himself. Some representatives of the House and the Senate would not take REAL VOTERS FOR TRUMP to join the Ceremony either, while they would probably have brought their family members or personal friends in.

Has there been any REAL venue for President Trump, VP Pence, and Trump-Supporters to get their GRIEVANCE addressed by this USA SYSTEM for the ELECTION JUSTICE? NO. While the Trump-haters paint him as a loose-cannon, psychopath, sable-rattler, etc, President Trump hadn’t started a new war with a foreign country. Judge who were the ones mentally unfit for public offices when not verifying the scenes of the September 11 but simply jumping into foreign wars. Those followers might have considered themselves heroes but they would never consider how many millions of casualties in the target countries and how many millions of people have suffered in decades because of EVIDENCE like a vial.

While some representatives of such a USA SYSTEM may be the bright beacons to some protesters in many foreign countries to go violent and to go war, such as in Syria, they would put fences up and close doors up at Capitol to some domestic protestors. While some representatives would advocate the Black Life Matters movement but would do not request National Guards to stop the riot, they would put up a GLOBAL LIVE SHOW by whining how DANGEROUS it was when AMERICAN PROTESTERS came into Capitol without firearms. The “security” camera videos ACTUALLY have shown the OPPOSITE: the protestors were behaving pretty respectfully after getting inside the Capitol. They did not run like hell; They did not punch like hell; They did not kick like hell; and they did not even shout like hell. The Senate chamber had videos that some protesters were like having a tour about what REPRESENTATIVES do there, and the single capitol policeman was in normal interpersonal communication to convince the temporary “Presidents” of the “Joint Session” of Protestors and Police to step down. The caller for Nancy in the hallway was like a cat in January time. The guy donned with a MAGA red cap shoulder-bumped the Team Pelosi’s conference room door without success was SINGULARLY GOING AGAINST THE FLOW AND DIRECTLY TARGETING THAT UNMARKED DOOR. HOW WEIRD IS SUCH “EVIDENCE”!

None of the Representatives were physically hurt, although some claimed psychological impact. The Senate chamber evacuation was seen quite orderly. Nobody ran like hell. Chuck was going around as if he had forgotten his coffee somewhere. The House side was typical Democrats-controlled territory, such as smashed windows, and gunshot dead protestors like Ashli Babbitt. From that video, the Capitol Police at that door REALLY WANTED TO GET SOME PROTESTORS KILLED, because the police at the outside of the door left, and the police behind the door CAME UP to shoot Babbitt at the neck with a single fatal shot. No warning was ever shouted or fired. How the other three protestors died of “medical emergency” on Jan Six is still a MYSTERY. How the three officers died DAYS LATER is also a MYSTERY. Were they all murdered by the SYSTEM? The officer got by the protestors and the officer squeezed at the door were both alive and healthy, because they came to publicly announce they are alive and healthy. Just think what the “Managers” want the Senators and TV viewers to think HOW SERIOUS THESE TWO OFFICERS’ LIVES WERE IN DANGER DUE TO THE JAN SIX CAPITOL PROTEST. Fortunately, these two didn’t go to see “treating physicians”, rather they went in front of reporters. From the WHOLE PRESENTATION OF THE “INCITEMENT OF INSURRECTION” CASE BY THE MANY “MANAGERS” OVER TWO DAYS, NOT EVEN A SINGLE IMAGE (MEDICAL RADIOGRAPHIC OR NOT) OR VIDEO SHOWED ANY APPARENT VISIBLE INJURY AT MILD, MODERATE, OR SEVERE LEVEL OTHER THAN THE FATAL GUNSHOT WOUND BY CAPITOL POLICE AT ASHLI BABBITT’S NECK. Then, how “violent” was the January 6, 2021 Capitol Protest? If the protesters were mainly adamantly demanding the entrance into the Capitol and having their voice about the 2020 presidential election heard by the representatives who were about to ceremonially certify the votes, WHO COMMANDED THE POLICE NOT TO ALLOW THEM IN PEACEFULLY? What the protestors WANTED? THEY ONLY WANTED TRUMP. The Trump-supporters are supposed to be Trump-Pence supporters, and could never achieve their goal by harming Mike Pence. That’s common sense. The protesters were not supposed to come INSIDE Capitol for violence, because violence inside Capitol would never achieve their goal. That’s common sense.

Sometimes, the fear is really fear itself. The incitement of fury may be true, because Trump and Trump-followers SHARE the same opinion: The 2020 presidential election was stolen, and they SHARE the same goal: PURSUE the ELECTION JUSTICE through the SYSTEM. Many of the protestors came to Capitol on Jan Six may well also have their own personal vehement sensation toward the USA SYSTEM. THE CONGRESS HAS THE CONSTITUTIONAL POWER TO SERVE THE JUSTICE ON THE ALLEGATION OF ELECTION FRAUD, BUT DID NOT SERVE THE JUSTICE IN THE APPROPRIATE WAY. NOW, CONGRESS WANTS TO PURSUE THE PLAINTIFF PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP TO CONVICT HIM SO HE CAN NOT RUN FOR ANY PUBLIC OFFICE AGAIN? WHO FEARS HIM SO MUCH OF RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT AGAIN? Why now some of the representatives think you have THE CONSTITUTIONAL POWER TO CERTIFY DONALD J. TRUMP ONCE MORE AS A LOSER IN 2020 AND PREEMPTLY IN 2024? WHAT KIND OF SHEER EVIL SYSTEM YOU REPRESENT IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE VOTERS AND THE WHOLE WORLD?

I, a victim of the USA SYSTEM too, strongly urge the ones with power to use your SYSTEM POWER to RIGHT THE WRONG. A real representative is first a representative of real people, then a representative of a SYSTEM, and righteously discharges his/her power to SERVE THE JUSTICE FOR ALL REPRESENTED. What a SYSTEM you WANT?

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