王利民 民声 Limin Wang People's Voice

我来自毛共社会农民家庭,成长、自立、成家阶段偏逢特色共产党越发走资,在美国漂泊二十年,最近还遭遇工伤谋害谋杀。我认识到,光靠个人的辛勤是改变不了制度给个人注定的命运,必须同时通过个人的努力去改变制度和社会Limin Wang, People's Voice

People Should Hold Congress And Media Accountable.

(2021-01-10 10:45:49) 下一个

People Should Hold Congress And Media Accountable.

by Limin Wang

January 10, 2021

It's simply too odd in common sense that the U.S.A. Congress is the de facto RULING BAT or Baton of the U.S.A. in terms of legistative, executive, and judicial, and its power is spelt in Article I. How a law, up to a Constitution, is applied is all up to the Judges, all humans if not in extreme cases humanscums, to SUBJECTIVELY judge and decide. The judicial branch's, including the Supreme Court's, PEACEFUL life is not bothered by the allegations of serious election frauds and the feelings of genine Trump-Pence supporters. The Congress acted, along the U.S.A. Constitution, to verify or object the Electorial College's votes state by state, regardless of the GIANT PROTEST outside the Capitol. Where were the DCMP in the long hours when protesters peacefully wanted their VOICE heard inside the House and Senate chambers? CLEARLY, a USAF veteran lady as a Trump supporter was SHOT DEAD by a single shot INSIDE the Capitol from the Police when she was near a barricaded double-door. Three other protesters were later reportedly died of "medical emergency" on the Capitol Day. The USCP policeman suddenly reportedly died two days LATER at a "medical" facility. There had been no prior report of any USCP or DCMP injury, or serious injury, before the sudden announcement of death of a Trump-supporter policeman with NO REPORTED CAUSE OF DEATH. The Capitol was EASILY restored and the verification was EASILY hastened after such a "VIOLENCE" show orchestrated really probably by Trump- (correctly spelt) or Trump-Pence-haters.

The Congress together with its Megaphone Media all quickly jumped to JUDICIAL JUDGMENT: Trump is to be removed one way or another; Trump-supporters must die or be prosecuted; and the USCP policeman died as a HERO without a real investigation of who physically or professionally rendered the physiological DEATH to him; Media like Twitter, Facebook and Techs like Apple, Google banned POTUS Trump and his supporters from the fundamental human rights, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, which is written as the First Amendment of the U.S.A. Constitution.

To me personally, where is the second stimulus check to me and my family according to the Congress's LAW? I had been murder-attempted by state terrorism first through workplace "accidents" and then by "treating" "medical professionals" in New York City, and so MANY humanscums in the NYS SYSTEM have NOT PAID any sense of attention to the VERY LIFE-OR-DEATH of an INDIVIDUAL and a FAMILY, only because of I being so VOICELESS TO THEM even when I have been ROARING as hell!!! The EVIDENCE of me being persecuted and murder-attempted again and again by premeditated and coordinated state-terrorists is so ABUNDANT. THESE HUMANSCUMS NOT ONLY WANT TO SILENCE PEOPLE'S VOICE BUT ALSO TO TAKE PEOPLE'S BODY, ALIVE OR DEAD.

Why WE THE PEOPLE can not demand a REAL CHANGE to the Congress? Why WE THE PEOPLE can not draft and pass bills for CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS? For example, strip its impeachment power off to the Supreme Court, set up a two-terms limit too for them, hold them accountable individually or altogether by the Executive and Judicial, assure the U.S.A. military is ultimately led by the U.S.A. President, dedicate a national public digital venue and nationwise public actual places to make WE THE PEOPLE heard not hurt, etc.

I never said the U.S.A. can not be led by anybody else if ELECTED VERIFIABLY FAIRLY AND SQUARELY by WE THE PEOPLE. 

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王利民 回复 悄悄话 Russia, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria,
etc., the claimed-enemies of the U.S.A., why not
detonate something of your own? The U.S.A. seems to
be in a coup against Trump and Pence now.