王利民 民声 Limin Wang People's Voice

我来自毛共社会农民家庭,成长、自立、成家阶段偏逢特色共产党越发走资,在美国漂泊二十年,最近还遭遇工伤谋害谋杀。我认识到,光靠个人的辛勤是改变不了制度给个人注定的命运,必须同时通过个人的努力去改变制度和社会Limin Wang, People's Voice

NYS Workers\' Comp Case G2029240, Issues about Tests Data and Me

(2020-09-17 08:30:20) 下一个

NYS Workers' Comp Case G2029240, Issues about Tests Data and Medical Reports

Sept. 17, 2020, Thu

by Limin Wang


[The following email was sent today to Dr. Mehrdad Golzad at his business-card-showing email address Golzad@Golzad.com, and to NYS Workers' Compensation Board at wcbclaimsfiling@wcb.ny.gov.]


Sept. 17, 2020, Thursday
Re: NYS WCB# G2029240, Serious Issues on Medical Tests and Reports

Good Morning, Dr. Mehrdad Golzad, and NYS Workers' Compensation Board,

First of all, because it's practically so DIFFICULT to find a physician to accept an injured worker, although the Workers' Compensation Insurance and the Medicaid-sourced health insurance are supposed to work, I thank you for your office's continuing offers of appointments to me. Without the reference from my former attorney's law firm Bangel, Cohen & Falconetti, LLC, it would have been almost impossible for me to even have a single visit to your clinic. The next visit would be Sept. 24, 2020, 3:30 pm, and it was scheduled by your front desk on my June 23, 2020 visit. Technically, the follow-up appointment is more than 90-days away.
Secondly, the employer/insurance's IME doctor Robert S. April has TWO reviews on the medical documents, AND a telephonic deposition to the WC system, RSA and the WC system deliberately mixed things up between different medical clinics and made many false and even assaulting statements. I would ONCE AGAIN request the RAW DATA of the set of tests done on March 05, 2018 and the EEG & EKG test done on March 15, 2018 at your Suite 601 office at 91-31 Queens Blvd, Elmhurst, NY 11373. Your office has repeatedly denied my access to these raw data. There seemed to be MULTIPLE copies of medical reports on the WCB eCase Folder about these two dates' tests, and some (Document # 304906471, shown WCB receiving date 05/22/2018) was found to show a WRONG service date of Jan. 05, 2018 on the eCase file chart about the actual March 05, 2018 test. Such error is SIGNIFICANT against me, because the workplace fall off a perpetrators-tampered-with ladder was on Jan. 16, 2018. The EEG & EKG report, such as in Doc # 304645207, was shown quite BLURRY on WCB's eCase Folder. These tests were performed by your personnel with electronic instruments on me, and your office's reports CLAIM that all these tests have found normal or unremarkable results. However, I STRONGLY doubt such reports' "findings", because there was NO actual data shown at all, and because, at least but not last, the Indian-looking male technician was HOLDING my LEFT SHOULDER while performing the Positional Testing or Computerized Dynamic Posturography. So, I hope to receive such RAW DATA/FIGURES on my Sept. 24, 2020 visit to your clinic, and I hope your office can meanwhile submit a same copy to NYS WCB to back up your objective findings of "normal" or "unremarkable".
Thirdly, there has NOT been any medical reports, about my medical visits to your clinic later than Feb. 01, 2019, shown on the NYS WCB eCase folder as directly submitted by your clinic to WCB. Feb. 01, 2019 is the date when the whole WCB system, including my then-"attorney"'s law firm Bangel, Cohen & Falconetti, LLC, coordinatingly work against me the MURDER-ATTEMPTS VICTIM, by claiming there was "no medical evidence". Actually, the situation of no updated medical reports on eCase was wantomly created by the whole WCB system. I the victim have to suffer more injuries from such an EVIL system. PLEASE SUBMIT THE MEDICAL REPORTS DIRECTLY TO NYS WCB, by the NYS WKC law and routine practice. Some personnel in your office claimed the reports have been submitted to NYS WCB, but I the victim didn't find so on the WCB eCase Folder, other than two C-4.2's about two year-2018 visits were shown on eCase as submitted in 2020 summer. 
The sequelae of the workplace fall and then the following "diagnoses" and "treatments" have long been symptoms all over my WHOLE body. The whole head is more than just the whole brain, and the NEUROLOGICAL system is more than just the brain. The painful fact is that your clinic does NOT welcome me to tell my whole set of symptoms, and your clinic's medical reports do NOT tell the whole truth, although your clinic's recent reports phrase something as my words.
So, to summarize, this email is about my request of the RAW DATA of the March 05, 2018 and March 15, 2018 done at your Suite 601 office, and about the plea for your clinic's direct submission of medical reports to NYS WCB. I have been a victim of a series of murder-attempts veiled as workplace accidents and then medical "diagnoses" and "treatments". I want justice, although the system itself seems against me.
Very Truly Yours,
Limin Wang
Injured Victim
Addendum about Medical Reports [Emailed later the same day]:
Although the medical reports, upon my requests, about my visits to your clinic later than Feb. 01, 2019 were provided to me WITHOUT TOO MUCH DIFFICULTY, and your clinic's evaluation of my temporary disability as total (100%) on the C-4.2's, and I then reluctantly (because I have serious disagreement to some points and your clinic usually wouldn't change anything) submitted these to the NYS WCB eCase, the Workers' Compensation Law Judge Mr. Lucky Enobakhare and the defense's attorney(s) from Jones | Jones, LLC acted as if these Total Temporary Disability evaluations did NOT mean anything to them, and they GENEROUSLY gave a ONE HUNDRED FIFTY U.S. DOLLARS PER WEEK as the COMPENSATION on the Oct. 03, 2019 hearing's decision, retroactive to Feb. 02, 2019 and up to now at SUCH A RATE. The Sham and Shame Telephonic Deposition Hearing on July 24, 2020 from IME Dr. RSA also carried their threats to even END this $150/week compensation, once again due to their excuses of "no medical report update". I WANT TO SEE WHAT THE NYS WCB WOULD DO AFTER I REFUSED TO SUBMIT MY REQUESTED COPY OF THE JUN. 23, 2020 VISIT'S MEDICAL REPORT. AND, during the July 24, 2020 telephonic hearing, the WCLJ Mr. Lucky Enobakhare sounded to announce Robert S. April as the COLLECTOR's IME doctor. The Decisions from WCLJ Mr. Lucky Enobakhare later usually carry statements of their MEDICAL-PROFESSIONAL-LIKE evaluation as PARTIAL TEMPORARY DISABILITY. And, the defense's representative Jones | Jones, LLC is RARELY shown formally on any documents in the eCase Folder, although they represent the employer/insurance/TPA side from the very beginning. Perpetrators are still creating scenes for their continuous murder-attempts or simply abandoning me for my quick demise from the serious injuries sequelae.  I wish somebody would understand why I call such a system a murderous evil system, and I need to fight with my residual life for justice and survival.
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王利民 回复 悄悄话 Also, the recent NYCMNO's electronic measurements of my Blood Pressure & Pulse are DUBIOUS, because the electronic measurements at other places are usually significantly lower in the systolic pressure and pulse rate.
王利民 回复 悄悄话 During the Sept 24, 2020, 3:30 pm visit, the front desk woman of New York City Medical & Neurological Offices asked me whether I had visited a PSYCHIATRIST, and so was asked by the woman RN Hyesim Moon in lieu of the appointmented-with Dr. Mehrdad Golzad. When I asked what a psychiatrist could do, although I have psychiatric issues since being the victim of this series of premeditated and coordinated murder-attempts. The front desk woman even said yeah when I asked her whether she thought psychiatrist like insurance IME Dr. Robert S. April would be helpful to any psychiatric issues. The RAW DATA I asked for was only given some numbers and a figure on Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP), and a few numbers carried in their statements about the Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP). Other than these scarce "data/figure" on VEMP and CDP, nothing else about RAW DATA/FIGURES or Processed DATA/FIGURES on many other claimed computerized tests done on March 05, 2018, and the EEG&EKG test done on March 15, 2018. Dr. Mehrdad Golzad, as often, didn't show up for the appointments. The personnel functioning as a doctor often would not allow me to describe my whole set of symptoms. If such personnel are not as openly nasty as Ms. Rivky Jaffe, they will almost always say this or that is normal to themselves or tell me not to learn any medicine knowledge from real independent sources. For example, Ms. Hyesim Moon answered that my hyperventilation absolutely obvious when I put my mask on is normal to her. A never-disclosed lady doctor "corrected" me by saying tetraplegia is complete paralysis. When I rebuted her that tetraplegia is not a none or complete situation, instead, it can also be anywhere between the two ends, she still disagrees. Of course, the whole system, including IME Dr. Robert S. April, would repeat the misinformation to the victim/patient. On the Sept. 24, 2020 visit, I answered their multiple rounds of questioning why I cancelled the Aug. 07, 2020 appointment with their newly-attained OPOMETRIST, not an ophathalmologist: I am afraid they would on one hand claim everything is normal on a "medical report" while on the other hand wouldn't give me any RAW DATA or real data, and I will have more dispute with another "professional". At end time to make the next appointment, Ms. Moon was saying FOUR MONTHS, although I had just told her that the sequelae, although with some change in pattern, have generally deteriorated and broadened. I mentioned about the 90-day rule of NYS WCB about continuing treatment, then Ms. Moon said THREE MONTHS. The front desk woman, another FD one, suggested Dec. 29, or Jan. 02. I told her that would be more than 90 days although she claimed it is EXACTLY THREE MONTHS. I told that it would be around holidays and I don't want any possibly good days to be ruined by medical visits like such. Eventually, the follow-up appointment is made for Dec. 22, 2020.
Although what I had revealed about NYCMNO may look bad enough, NYCMNO is actually still better than many other "medical professionals" or "medical services" I have encountered.
Any one who claims to proclaim the U.S.A. system can have any interest in reading such reality stories happened in the real America? When I said it would become a big issue, I mean I have a dream around the whole globe and down the possible history, there would be someones facing and dealing with such realities within the grip of a superpower.
王利民 回复 悄悄话 Sept. 24, 2020, Thu

Hello, Ms. ????,

Why you bring up HIPAA and HIPAA violation when I the patient and injured worker/victim request the RAW DATA/FIGURES? The RAW DATA/FIGURES are not the "normal" or "unremarkable" evaluation OPINION in words only in the "medical reports" shown on NYS WCB eCase Folder Document # 301596689, which I have seen on eCase Folder, and I do not need another copy of "medical reports" like #301596689. As I had pointed out many times, when the Computerized Dynamic Posturography was performed on March 05, 2018, the Indian-looking-male-technician at Suite 601 was holding tight on my left shoulder. There are other serious reasons I the victim and the self-representative in this murder-attempts case need the ORIGINAL RAW DATA of the March 05, 2018 test and the March 15, 2018 EEG&ECG test done with electronic instruments, electrodes, etc, in Suite 601 at the NYCMNO's Elmhurst office.

Today, Sept. 24, 2020, Thu, 3:30 pm would be the follow-up appointment for me at Suite 601. I would go there about the sequelae of serious injuries and about some serious issues of medical records from NYCMNO's office. No personal confrontation is expected from me or by me, but I sensed the hostility more
in recent medical visits.

Also, you, representing New York City Medical & Neurological Offices about the medical reports' direct submission to New York State Workers' Compensation Board, said and wrote that such direct submission of medical reports have been made. Then I would directly question the NYS WCB again why NO such DIRECT submission of recent visits of since year 2019 was ever seen on eCase Folder.

Very Truly Yours,

Limin Wang
王利民 回复 悄悄话 Up to today, Sept. 23, 2020, New York City Medical & Neurological Offices hadn't replied my email. So, today, I forwarded the 09/17/2020 email to a female working on the medical reports at NYCMNO, soon I got a scam-like call, and then I got a short email reply, with the exact total content quoted below.

"Good Afternoon,

Which medical reports are you requesting? The last one from June 23, 2020, was given to you. Also, we are prohibited to release RAW DATA to anyone besides another LICENSED psychologist can request your RAW DATA."

The word "prohibited" was underlined and in red, while "LICENSED" is bold. Why psychologist, instead of qualified neurologist, about the neurological tests raw data?
王利民 回复 悄悄话 Addendum about Medical Reports:Although the medical reports, upon my requests, about my visits to your clinic later than Feb. 01, 2019 were provided to me WITHOUT TOO MUCH DIFFICULTY, and your clinic's evaluation of my temporary?disability as total (100%) on the C-4.2's, and I then reluctantly (because I have serious disagreement to some points and your clinic usually wouldn't change anything) submitted these to the NYS WCB eCase, the Workers' Compensation Law Judge Mr. Lucky Enobakhare and the defense's attorney(s) from Jones | Jones, LLC acted as if these Total Temporary Disability evaluations did NOT mean anything to them, and they GENEROUSLY gave a ONE HUNDRED FIFTY U.S. DOLLARS PER WEEK as the COMPENSATION on the Oct. 03, 2019 hearing's decision, retroactive to Feb. 02, 2019 and up to now at SUCH A RATE. The Sham and Shame Telephonic Deposition Hearing on July 24, 2020 from IME Dr. RSA also carried their threats to even END this $150/week compensation, once again due to their excuses of "no medical report update". I WANT TO SEE WHAT THE NYS WCB WOULD DO AFTER I REFUSED TO SUBMIT MY REQUESTED COPY OF THE JUN. 23, 2020 VISIT'S MEDICAL REPORT. AND, during the July 24, 2020 telephonic hearing, the WCLJ Mr. Lucky Enobakhare sounded?to announce Robert S. April as the COLLECTOR's IME doctor. The Decisions from WCLJ Mr. Lucky Enobakhare later usually carry statements of their MEDICAL-PROFESSIONAL-LIKE evaluation as PARTIAL TEMPORARY DISABILITY. And, the defense's representative Jones | Jones, LLC is RARELY shown formally on any documents in the eCase Folder, although they represent the employer/insurance/TPA side from the very beginning. Perpetrators are still creating scenes for their continuous murder-attempts or simply abandoning me for my quick demise from the serious injuries sequelae.?I wish somebody would understand why I call such a system a murderous evil system, and I need to fight with my residual life for justice and survival.